Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning, exhausted but feeling better than I had in a few days. Fighting with my father always seemed to make me exhausted beyond belief and sad beyond belief. Add on top of that everything else that was happening in my life, and it was bound to happen that I would be feeling pretty nasty.

I looked at her clock beside me and realized I could still make my classes if I tried.

I walked out to the living area and Severus was already up and making breakfast, "Morning Dad."

"Morning Jessica," he replied looking a bit stunned that I was up, and I didn't blame him.

"I think I'm going to try to make classes, so I'll take breakfast and go get changed then get to classes. I think just laying around here for an entire day would be worse for me than having something to take my mind off of everything."

He nodded, "Very well, I figured you would believe that to be your best choice. You may go. I want you to start taking these days easy. School is not your top priority right now, and your classes should be easy enough that you can focus on something else. I need you to be working on both your Dark Arts a little more, as well as your Draca powers and you need to start helping Draco. He is refusing to let me help as I told you before, but I was hoping the two of you are closer than we are and you can convince him he needs some help."

I nodded, "I will of course. I don't think he deserves to be hurt by any of this either. You need to take things easier too though, I don't like seeing you like this either."

"I promise I will try to be more pleasant, and worry you less."

I threw my hands up, "That's not what I mean at all. I don't mind worrying about you at all, haven't I told you that enough. Just please try to take on less responsibility and stop making stupid decisions that end up with your life on the line."

His demeanor soften a touch, "Of course Jessica, I can do that too."

My morning classes went smoothly. No one bothered talking about anything of any any importance because it was getting close to Christmas and we didn't want to burden ourselves with any of that just yet. Harry brought up his Draco is a death eater theory once in passing but the rest of us ignored him and let is go by.

At lunch Hermione mentioned, "Slughorn is having a Christmas party this weekend. Since we leave the next weekend for break he figures this will be a good time to have it I suppose."

My eyebrows shot up, "i haven't gotten that invitation yet."

She replied, "He hasn't sent them out yet. He's going to today. He was just talking to me about it today in the hallways."

Ron said bitterly, "I'm sure you all will have a great time. How have those meetings been going anyways? I know Harry's missed a few already since they're so dreadful."

"Well they're alright I guess," Hermione said, "Mostly he fawns over Cormac since his parents area so well connected. He also seems to really like Ginny, and whenever Harry isn't there he asks about what he's doing a lot too. Jessica you've missed a couple too and he tends to be pretty upset about that too, I think he likes you too. I Think he's finally gotten word about how amazing you are and the fact that you seem to have some nice connections at the Ministry too."

I groaned, "Great, just what I need. Well I suppose we have to go to this party then. The game is on Saturday, not Sunday so I'm sure sure that's why the party in on the Sunday. I'm sure he somehow knew that. I'm sure he wants Harry there no matter what."

"Yeah I'm sure he'd be super upset if his most prized student couldn't be there," Ron spat, "Aside from Cormac it seems like he's the most important person in this school. Well you can go with him and then you can tell Slughorn you guys are hooking up and maybe he'll make sure you guys are voted SLug Club King and Queen."

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