Chapter Two

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“I’m gonna go to class.” I told sleepy Sophie. She got lucky and her first class was at one instead of eight. 

“Mhmm,” She mumbled into her pillow. “Get me a donut from the food court when you come back.” I could hear the smirk on her face. “Yeah, whatever.” 

I walked out of the dorm and closed the door behind me. Dropping my backpack to the floor, I gave it a second look to make sure everything was in there. 

I heard the door beside me open, looking up seeing Michael. 

“Hey, looks like we’re in the same place as last time.” He looked down at me, smirking. This is way too similar. 

“Well, this time I’m not locked out of my dorm. Actually going to my first day of class. Eek!” I excitedly zipped up my backpack. Not really that excited for my first day, but ready. I’ve been looking forward to this day all through high school.  

“That’s where I’m off too as well.” I picked up my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. 

“I’ll walk with you?” I offered to Michael. “And I, you.” I smiled up at him. Michael was quite a bit taller than me. He looked about 6 feet tall and I’m only 5’2. 

“So Emma, what are you majoring in?” Michael asked, turning his head towards me. 

“I’m not really sure so for right now I’m just doing the four core.” I replied, a little embarrassed that I really don’t have my life all put together. I never have really. “You?”

“Actually, same thing. I don’t have one clue what I want to do in life.” He quickly replied, muttering the last bit. “Me either.” I shook my head. 

“Maybe we can figure out together.” Michael nodded assuring me. 

“Yeah, that would be cool.” I looked down, smiling. 


“Okay so the paper you have is the syllabus. Basically just explaining everything that we are going to be doing this semester.” The teacher announced to the class of probably 300 people. 

I sighed looking it over. English has always been a pretty easy subject for me, I just really didn’t want to be in here, doing work. I sighed jotting down some of the things he was saying. 

Me and Michael parted because he had Math, which I wasn’t looking forward to. 

Finally after what seemed like ages of going over the syllabus and talking about each course, we were dismissed. 

I grabbed my things and headed for the door, waiting for most of the people to exit so I wouldn’t get trampled. 

I met up with Michael after I got out. 

“Took you long enough!” He joked, I faked laughed at him. “Well excuse me for being the shortest one in there, and trying to avoid getting trampled by a billion people!” I over exaggerated. 

“Wanna go back to mine?” He asked walking forward. 

“Yeah, but first I got to get Sophie a donut from the food court.” I replied and walked towards the food court. 

When we got there the place was pretty packed. “Jesus Christ, all I need is a donut.” I mumbled. 

“Here, come on.” Michael said quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. He dragged me to the muffin and donut section and I skimmed through the donuts trying to find the one Sophie likes. 

“Come on Emma, how is it that hard to get a donut” Michael whined from my side. I finally found the ones she likes. Chocolate with rainbow sprinkles. 

“Because Sophie is picky about her donuts.” I shook my head, Michael laughing.

We got back to the dorm rooms and I went into mine and Sophie’s to find her still sleeping. 

“Sophie, get your lazy ass up.” I called to her. Putting my backpack on my bed. Looking at the clock it was only ten, my next class is at twelve then one at three. 

“Did you get me my donut?” She asked, her voice still mumbled from the pillow. “Yeah, here” 

She slowly, but surely got up and swiftly took the donut from my hand, taking a bite. 

“Rainbow sprinkles? You know me so well.” She smiled at me, her teeth covered in chocolate. 

“Bye loser, I’m gonna go hang out with Michael.” I smiled at my words. I liked Michael, he was nice. 

“Be careful, and use protection.” Sophie giggled still eating her donut. 

“You’re dumb.” I scoffed and walked out of the room to Michael’s. 

I knocked on the door twice and waited tell he opened the door. “You could have just came in.” Michael said as he opened the door. I looked him down, he had changed into some grey sweatpants. 

“What do you wanna do?” Michael asked. 

“Kick your ass in Halo.” I smirked and ran to get controller one. 

We played for a while, killing each other over and over again. I had a total of thirteen kills and Michael had ten. 

“Well, I have to get to my next class.” I said pausing the game and getting up from the bunk. I looked around and noticed Luke wasn’t in here. “Where’s Luke?” I asked pointing to the top bunk. 

“Most likely with Sophie.” He chuckled and I left to my dorm.

Michael was right, Luke was in there. Sucking face with Sophie, straddling her. I quickly grabbed my backpack and got out of there as quickly as I could. Seeing their beat-red faces. I chuckled and went to Math. 


After Math I just went to the food court and ate some salad then went to my last class of the day.

With all my classes finished I finally got to breath. 

I went back up to my dorm room to find it empty. I laid back on my bed and sighed. Today has been long. College is certainly a lot better than high school. Although, it was only my first day, I could tell I would like it loads better. 

I got up from my bed and decided to text my mom. 

After writing that my first day was good, and I made a new friend already. I went over to see if Michael was there. 

I knocked on his door twice and waited. Minutes later Michael showing up at the door, still wearing his grey sweatpants. 

“Hey, I’m done with classes. Wanna hang out?” I asked with a smile on my face. Michael just gave off a vibe that made me smile. Without doing anything he could make a person’s day extremely better. 

“Yeah, sure.” He smiled back at me and moved to the side so I could come in. Seeing that Luke wasn’t here again. 

I crawled in the bottom bunk and snuggled into the blankets. 

“Let’s watch a movie.” I suggested, nuzzling my head further into Michael's pillow, taking in his scent. It smelled like mint and cologne. I smiled at the smell. 

“Alright.” Michael chuckled and sat in front of the TV looking for a movie. 

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