Photoshoot 📸

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Tameka: we start shooting in a hour so get ready !" she yelled from the doorway of my dressing room.

Tameka: Rosetta & Chauncey in here."she said waving down the hallway. They entered the room smiling.

Tameka: THAT DOESN'T GO THERE." she yelled leaving us three alone.

Me: please forgive her, she is so rude in the morning." I said hugging them as they sat down.

Rosetta: oh it's alright." she said laughing.

Me: let me just thank you guys for agreeing to participate." I said putting some strawberries in my mouth.

Chauncey: girl yes." she said fanning her hand at me.

Tameka: You guys ready?" she asked. We nodded our heads and followed her outside.
Finally dressed, the first person to go was me.

Chris: My love, you look so beautiful." he said as I walked outside.

Me: Thank you ." I smiled. I looked around for Lucas to see if he came, but as he said "there was plenty more" for him to attend.

Chris: over her Cynthia, against this wall." he said lightly grabbing my hand and walking over to the wall. Draping his camera over his chest he fixed me up against the wall and handed me the flower.

Chris: I want you to want you to hold this flower upright and look at me." he said backing up slowly.

Chris: look at me, like you wanna taste me, seduce me." he said positioning himself infront of me.

Posing for the camera, I smelled the flower as the flash went off.

Chris: perfect mama." he said coming up to me showing me the picture

" he said coming up to me showing me the picture

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Me: ooo yes." I said looking at the picture up close.

Tameka: Cy." she said eagerly.

Me: hold on Tam." I said taking the camera and looking at the picture that was just taken.

Tameka: Cynthia could you please-."

Me: Tameka wait." I said a little louder.

Tameka: just turn around!" she yelled back.

Me: what !" I said spinning around. She smiled at me and moved out the way.

I could see Lucas and Drebo getting out of Lucas's car. I held back a smile as they walked up toward me. I couldn't hold my smile as I noticed Lucas holding a box of chocolate.

Rosetta: ok one of them has to be your man because they are to fine." she whispered in my ear.

Me: the one with the box of chocolate." I said breaking the smile I tried to hold as he came closer.

Cause We Grown: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now