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Me: I am sorry he kicked you out of the house."

Pines: it's alright. I just needed to speak with you about your case."

Me: what about it ?"

Pines: the prosecution wants this case to be a open and shut case. They have all the evidence, everything they need."

I felt my heart skip a beat and my face get hot.

Me: so..?"

Pines: we have two options here ?"

Me: what are the options ?"

Pines: have them arrest you..or turn yourself in."

Me: turn myself in ? I didn't kill him or anything-."

Pines: you nearly killed him. You shot him in the back, that's attempted murder."

Me: but hes alive ! No one outside of this house knows what he's done for years. There is a reason why I shot him!"

Pines: We can't prove that right now. Cynthia, right now there's nothing else that I can do-."

Me: nothing else? You have to be fucking kidding me. You got O out a double homicide case! And you can't get me off of a attempted murder case!." I yelled in the phone.

When June told me Pines needed to talk to me, I didn't think he would be telling me this news so soon.

I wasn't oblivious to the fact that I was probably spending time in jail, I was oblivious to the fact that he was telling me he couldn't do anything else.

Pines: Cynthia, I need evidence, solid proof that Will has harmed you and your family. I need physical proof. Until then, those are the only options you have.

I paused and bit back my tears. if I choose to turn myself in, how long do I have until then."

Pines: If that is your final decision, I would have to tell the prosecutor and they would give me a time. Usually they give people three days."

Me:..Thank you Pines." I said.

Pines: you're welcome."

Before he said anything else I hung the phone up and hung my head. My life was crumbling and I couldn't stop it. Getting up I went back inside and into the living room, where everyone was. I watched as the laughed and they played watching the TV.

I saw King and Lucas playing together on the couch. The smile on all their faces were so joyful, and my bad news was gonna ruin this family. This wasn't supposed to be like this. I wasn't supposed to be going to jail, I had a shop to rebuild, I had a clothing line to keep producing, and most importantly I had a fiance to marry and a son to take care of.

But I ruined that.

June: hey you aight Cynthia." he said. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to find everyone starring at me.

Lucas: what's wrong babygirl?"

Me: uh, nothing I was just thinking."

June: what did Pines say."

Me: he just told me stuff about the case. Just what the prosecution has on me."

Lucas: well you alright ?"

Me: yeah, yeah, totally."

June raised his eyebrow at me and slowly nodded his head.

June: aight well come sit down."

Cause We Grown: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now