Faults 😤

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I opened my eyes to a bright light shining in my face. There was a ringing sensation in my ears causing me to cringe. I went to put my hands over my ears but it pulled causing a wire to eject from my arm.

Lucas: shit." he said reaching out for for the wire and turning it in his hands. Sighing he got up and stuck his head out the door.

Lucas: aye nurse can we get some help in here." he said. In seconds a nurse came in walking past him.

Nurse: what seems to be the problem." she said looking at me.

Lucas: she um. she went to bring her hands up to her ears and yanked the needle out of her arm." he said picking up the dangling needle.

Nurse: no biggie we'll just put in a new one." she said closing the door and going over to the sink to watch her hands.

Me: what's going on." I mumbled as she took apart the needle in my arm.

Nurse: Lucas Doctor Stran has updated the medicine that you will need to pick up from the CVS down the street by tonight. Cynthia must take her first dosage before she goes to bed." she said sticking me with another needle.

Lucas: will do." he said pulling out his phone.

Me: hello ?"

Lucas: and what should she take it with it." he said holding the phone up to his ear.

Me: can someone answer-."

Nurse: Juice, Water..a gogurt. anything that gets the pill down." she said pressing tape on the needle in my arm.

Lucas: aight. Aye..the medicine I was telling you about needs to be picked up by tonight. I would go get it but I'm not leaving till Cy does..yeah the CVS off of 54..aight preciate." and with that he hung up.

Nurse: alright all done Doctor Stran will be-."

Me: I SAID WHATS GOING ON." I yelled. They both cocked their heads towards me in amazement and worry. The ringing in my ear reached a higher pitch making me cringe.

Lucas: what's wrong Cy."

Me:...there's ringing..i-in my ears and it won't stop...and no one is telling me what the fuck is going on." I said reaching up to cover my ears. Like before the needled yanked out but I didn't stop to fix it.

I watched as they talked back and forth with panicked expressions. The nurse removed the hand from my ear and redid the needle.

Nurse: I am not sure what exactly Doctor Stran said but the best bet to bring the levels of stress down means taking all the things that stress her away."

Lucas: like ?"

Nurse: a vacation." she said fixing the needle and washing her hands again.

Nurse: I'll send Doctor Stran in here in a minute."

Lucas nodded and the nurse left closing the door. He drifted his eyes towards me and rubbed his face.

Me: what.is.going.on." I said slowly.

Lucas: you had another one of your rants that sent you over board. You passed out and now we are here." he said standing up and coming to the bed.

Lucas: the doctors say you suffered from a "stress" attack. Your stress levels are dangerously high...they have put you on some medication to get rid of the ringing and upcoming headaches you're gonna be facing "

He put his hand under my chin cupping my face.

Lucas:..I'm sorry..we're sorry." he said referring to my brothers. I turned away and look at the window.

Cause We Grown: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now