Major Distance ⛈

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Lucas POV

Cyn: when you coming by ?" I said over the phone.

Me: whenever baby girl." I said fiddling with my fingers.

Cyn: alright well let me know, you're still coming by to pick up King right. I have meetings till 12-"

Me: yes ma, I'm getting ready to come get him." I said getting up. I placed my phone down and put her on speaker.

Cyn: yeah when you get him I would prolly be ready to leave." she said. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. This girl has been avoiding me for a while now and it's getting old. At the end of the day I know I fucked up but she needs to understand the position me and her brothers are coming from. But she was being stubborn and I knew she didn't

Me: I wanna see you Cynthia. When I come to the house I want to talk to you." I said holding the phone up. The other line went silent and I could hear her soft breathes.

Cyn: I will need to leave." she said after a while.

Me: understood."

Cyn: so I-"

Me: so when I pull up to the crib I'll see you and my son." I said throwing on a wife beater and my grey sweats. I swiped my keys off the dresser and walked to the door.

Cyn: of course you'll see'll see me driving off." she said as I walked to the car.

Me: Cy. you drive off without letting me touch you, we gonna have more problems." I said.

Cyn:...look I need to go. text me when you're here." she said.

Me: aight."

Cyn: bye."

Me: Cy-"

I was interrupted but the sound of her line disconnecting. Sighing I sat in my car and started it up.


Hanging up the phone I stared at it before my eyes welled up. I hated treating him like this but I was too stubborn to let him in so easily.

I wiped my eyes and shook my head.

Me: come on baby, daddy is on the way." I said picking him up. He slumped over and onto my shoulder, his light snores made me cheer up. I picked up my purse and my little file of new styles and picked up Kings bag full of his stuff.

Walking out of the room I heard the sound of a car engine shutting. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door then the sound of keys shuffling.

The door opened and Lucas stepped in slowly looking around.

Lucas: why you just standing there ?" he said coming to me.

I sighed and looked away. I went into the living room and placed King down on the couch, along with the rest of my stuff.

I felt a pair of hands snake their way up to my bed from the back. I turned and pushed Lucas off and glared at him.

Me: I said no." I said.

Lucas: no." he said walking towards me.

Me: I ca- I won't do it." I said. I could feel my throat get hot and parched as I walked backwards.

Lucas: you wild I wasn't even doing anything ". he said. I had finally hit my back up against the wall in the living room, and Lucas came face to face with me. Inches from my lips. He looked down at them and then slowly up at me.

Me: Please back up." I said putting my hand on his chest.

Lucas: no." he said. He lifted my shirt with his hands, making me shiver at his could fingertips.

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