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"Be proud of who you are, and not ashamed of how other's see you."


"Whatever you are, be a good one."

                       ~Abraham Lincoln

After Irina, Rocky, and I went our separate ways, I didn't talk much for the rest of the day. I received several inspirational texts from both Irina and Rocky. Their words of encouragement made me feel a little better. It made my heart swell with joy to have such wonderful friends. By the time I made it to the end of the day and the next B.R.A.T. meeting, I was still quiet.

I listened to all of them talk about their week. Angela finally fixed her dirt bike and couldn't wait to ride it this weekend. Robin talked about how his figure skating lessons were going. Misaki promoted the Madrigal chamber choir performance that was next week. Crow spoke of the spring play and how well rehearsals were going. I simply sat and listened. A spike of joy at how wonderfully we were all getting along.

"Mickey, are you alright?" Misaki asked. She looked at me with wide worried eyes, almost in the way a mother worrys over her child.

"I'm," I began hesitantly before stopping. Swallowing down my uncertainty I began again, "I asked a guy to homecoming and got rejected."

"Ass," was the first thing I heard, followed by a snort and bubble of laughter from Angela.

"Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh but that was funny," Angela explained quickly.

I felt myself laugh a little as well, "You're right, that was."

"On a more serious note," Misaki stated sharply, Angela immediately composing herself, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I stated all too quickly. "I mean, thank you for the offer, Misaki, but I'll be ok."

Misaki nodded, "Alright."

"Sooooooo," Crow drags out. "Anybody have anything exciting coming up?"

"Oh!" Angela shouted as her hand shot into the air. "I'm supposed to be getting a new bike for Christmas! And I'm finally old enough to enter the dirt bike races they hold here!" Angela was hopping in her seat as she spoke of the different races she could enter.

"Speaking of competitions," Crow interjected. "If this dork over here qualifies, he could finally go to Nationals."

"SHHH!" Robin hissed at his brother. "You weren't supposed to tell them yet."

"That's so cool!" Angela chanted excitedly. "When is it? Can we come see it?"

"Um," Robin began hesitantly. "Can you wait and see if I qualify?"

Angela's face fell and her lips seemed to form a slight pout.

"You'll get to see me skate I promise!" Robin quickly explained. "If I don't qualify in December to go to Nationals there is a fundraiser the rink I skate at is holding. I was asked to skate in it if I didn't qualify. Plus, it would be more fun to see," Robin added.

"Don't fret over it," I told Robin. "Focus on doing your best then send us dates, times, and places of which one you want us to go to."

Robin nodded and gave me a grateful smile.

Misaki pulled her phone out of her bag. She began looking through it with focused eyes.

"Speaking of Christmas," Misaki began slowly. Her focus seemed to be split. "We should do something before Christmas break."

"Don't we still have a month till Christmas?" I asked.

"It's always a good idea to make plans early," Misaki told me with a smile.

"We could go to the mall," Crow suggested.

"The movie theater is in the mall," Angela added. "We could all see a movie."

"And eat food~" I added with a smile. "My family tends to leave a few days before break starts. So, for me at least, it would be best to hang out the weekend before."

"I don't have piano lessons that Friday before we leave for Christmas break," Misaki stated, still looking at her phone.

"I'll have to check with my parents," Angela adds.

Crow hums as he looks up at the ceiling a moment, "I'm driving either way so we should be able to go."

I chuckled, feeling a little more at ease. Crow nudged me in the arm till I looked over at him.

"If it wasn't for Robin's figure skating performance being on the same night as homecoming I would go with you," Crow told me.

I raised an eyebrow.

"I just wanted you to know," Crow admitted to me.

I couldn't help but smile, "Well, thank you for telling me."

"You're a fun person to be around," he stated, blatantly, honestly. "Who wouldn't want to go to homecoming with you?" Crow paused. "Okay, well maybe not the guy you asked, but he's an idiot."

I blinked at him a moment, something inside me felt warmer. My face slipped into a smile of gratitude. For the first time, in some time, I felt at total ease.

Next Chapter; Spirit

Have a lovely week darlings!


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