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~ A couple hours later ~

Nearly walked the whole entire boardwalk damn near three times, Darren and I still were reminiscing about old times and about other random stuff. It was nice to have my childhood friend back in my life. Back in the day, everyone always thought Darren would cuff me due to always being so protective of me, but I just couldn't see it.

"Ha, remember the time when me and Ace used to mess with you during the summer. Putting bugs in your hair and shit?" He brought up. All I could do was feel heat from that traumatizing experience. "Y'all were the absolute worst. Couldn't stand both of  you."

"Kaine was the only one to not stoop so long to do some of the cruel things y'all did to me. He was a sweetheart back then." I said just thinking back to those good ole days.

His smile faded once I mentioned Kaine. I knew that the loss of his stepbrother hurt like hell being that Ace had to do what he had to in order to save both of our lives. I often think about that night and how I wish it didn't have to come to that. "Yeah, he was until he got older and twisted. I still can't believe what he was doing to you... We all looked at you as a sister and for him to-"

I stopped and stood in front of him knowing that he was thinking about Kaine and Chris's intentions. "I should have know. You should have told me, Ma." He walked past me and faced the ocean with the rail from the boardwalk not letting him walk any further.

Darren and I never really talked about the whole ordeal about Kaine's intentions and death, but I knew it will come soon than later to have this talk.

Me, trying to ease the pain as best as I could, I walk over and hugged him from behind. His head hung low as if he didn't want me to see him in this state of grief, but I understand.

"That was fucked up. And I didn't know anything about this shit until after." He repeatedly said.

I felt nothing but guilt because it all revolved around me and I couldn't help but feel sorry. "You couldn't save him, D. Even if you tried..."

He lifted his head and sighed.

"I guess you are right. His ass was so stubborn and never wanted to listen to what other people had to say," he chuckled a little, "Maybe. Just maybe." I let loose of my grip from behind him and stood across from him.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to your fabulous college life, little girl?"

"Ha, you got jokes. But it is getting late and I know Xavier is waiting up on me." I sighed. Darren nodded with understanding. "But with all the jokes aside, don't blame yourself for Kaine's wrongdoings. If you need someone to talk to I am here. I'm serious."

We locked eyes again and I smiled as he embraced me with a bear hug and picked me up as if I was a little child. I just laughed at his goofy ass.

"Look nigga! Chill out!"


I walked into the apartment literally exhausted from today. I heard the tv blasting ESPN, which meant Xavier was home and wide awake. I threw my keys down on the kitchen island and made my way to the den where he was. I plopped on the couch right beside him.

"Hey babe, where were you?" He asked. I miss he cheek and proceed to take my shoes off.

"Was out at the boardwalk just clearing my head."

His sight never left the tv, "With Trina?" I was contemplating on answering the question knowing that he doesn't like Darren for some odd reason. But I can't seem to lie to Xavier.

Love On Repeat: The ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now