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Hanging with Darren and Ace made me remember how much fun we had when we were younger. All three of us was playing Hip Hop Dance Evolution on Darren's Wii system. I giggled, "You guys cannot dance for shit." We was dancing to the song Lean Back.

"Mane, whatever!" Darren said pouting. Ace just laughing not caring at all. Once again, I won the battle leaving Darren and Ace not even reaching my score. "This game rigged." Darren chuckled while I smacked my lips. "How when it is all due to the motion off your remote!?"

"Stop being a sore loser, D!" Ace laughed and smiled, "I was second place though." I felt my phone vibrate and noticed that I had three missed calls from Xavier and noticed that it is almost three o'clock in the morning.

Damn it!

"Well guys, it was fun hanging with y'all, but I have to get going." Darren's eyes met mine as he knew I didn't want to leave. "I'll walk you out." He said.

We headed to door as he opened it and sighed, "You have to go so soon?" I nodded, "Yeah, it's getting late and I know X is probably looking for me."

"Well, you better head home then. I enjoyed tonight though. Felt like old times." He smiled as I proceeded to give him a hug.  "Feeling mutual. See you later, D."


I quietly opened the door to the apartment only to see Xavier sitting on the couch just watching TV. He quickly turned his head to the door and raised his eyebrow. "Where you been?" I rolled my eyes due to him even asking that question. "The real question is, where were you? Did you forget that we had plans tonight?" I yelled.

Xavier looked puzzled at first then I guess he realized that he fucked up and hanged his head low. "It's whatever, X. Besides I was with Darren." I headed to the room leaving him behind knowing and not caring that he was going to be mad.

"What the fuck! Lyric, you know how I feel about him. I don't trust that nigga!" He yelled barging into the room. I rolled my eyes, "Darren is not a bad guy. He is just a childhood friend! Geez, you sounding a little bit jealous here!"

He smacked his lips, "Look, I'm not jealous. I just getting these vibes that he is up to no good." I turned facing him, "Well, the same goes for Carmen cause I'm just noticing how she stares at you."

"Carmen is just an old friend from when I used to move around a lot. Chill out with all that." He sighed.

"Oh, so it is okay for you to have female friends, but I can't have no male friends what so ever?" I laughed, "That a double standard you know. And is totally not fair. I can handle myself, Xavier."

Nothing but silence filled the room as I went into the bathroom to get a shower. The nerve of him to even say something like that. I felt cold air as I saw Xavier butt naked to get in the shower with me. I just stared at him and continued to wash myself up.

I rolled my eyes as he proceeded to talk to me, "Babe."

Silence took over the shower. "Babe look, I'm sorry for over reacting! I just don't want anything to happen to you. And I don't want to lose you." He said. I turned around to him.

"Nothing is going to happen. Darren and I are just friends. That's all we ever will be." I said reassuring him. He grabbed my waist and hugged me real tight causing me to laugh.

I honestly can't stay mad at him for long.


X and I were watching TV after being in the shower for a very long time. Martin was on being that it was 4 o'clock in the morning.

I was leaning on X as his body curled up behind mine and arms wrapped around me like he didn't want to let me go. I kissed his check as he began to lightly snore. I turned the TV off and proceeded to just lay there and fall asleep.



I glanced up and saw that it was Xavier's phone. I was about to nudge him once I got it, that is until I saw the caller I.D.

Carmen 💕: Appreciated the talk tonight. Thank you for understand, X. Love you always. XO

What the fuck?

Just a filler chapter, missed y'all! Thank you guys for the support!





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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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