Chapter Thirty Four- This City

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Eventually Patrick's team does lose, but not before they go 21-0-3 for the best start to a season ever in the history of the NHL. I was still learning the game, but even I knew that was something special. I went to almost every home game and always wore my lucky Patrick Kane jersey. Now I understand the game just as well as just about everyone else and I love it so much.

I've been slowly moving my things into Patrick's place and it's been a process. It's mostly just clothes and music stuff. I bring over all my cooking things because lord knows Patrick's haven't been touched since they got bought. After a month everything I needed was at his place so I just stayed there. He got me a key to his place and was technically living together.

As of right now he was at the Joe playing the Red Wings and I was at home songwriting. I spent the whole day with the band and I was feeling pretty inspired. I sat by the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city lightly strumming my guitar. I hear Precious running around in the background and laugh when she runs into the couch. What a weird dog she is. I guess she's not used to being here yet. I let my fingers do the talking as the sun starts to set on this beautiful day. I gaze out the window to this amazing city I call home and let my heart do the rest.

"Bright lights,
Dark nights,
This city could never let me down.
Old sights,
New life,
This city's not the same when you aren't around.

Millions of people call this place their home,
But this house is not a home when I'm here alone.
Looking around, there is so much to do,
But this city isn't the same without you.

All right,
No fights,
This city is where our life begins
Night life,
This city is where our love will always win.

And in this city where we met,
You have given me all of your best.
And in this city where we fell in love,
You've put my happiness above the rest."

Satisfied with what I was able to accomplish I set my guitar to the side and go sit at the couch. I turn the game on and chill with Precious by my side. I pet her soft ears as she watches the game along side of me. I look back out the window and take the time to reflect where I am. I'm in trump towers with my boyfriend of 11 months starting a career with my favorite people in the world, it so surreal. I mean I always dreamed of this, but I never really thought of it happening. Yet I'm here, I'm doing it, and I'm happy.

They end up winning the game, like I had any doubt, and I decide watch them interview some of the guys on NBC. They do Jonny and Corey before Patrick comes up and I smile big.

"So... you guys are pretty good" the announcer comments and he laughs.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that" he says sarcastically.

"You guys are clicking on all cylinders. Your goalies Crawford and Emery are basically two big walls and your defense scores more than it lets in. But you especially seem to be consistent and really good in the opponents zone. What's changed for you" he's asks.

"As much as I didn't want to go to Switzerland I have to admit it put me on another level. There I was able to have bigger ice and elevate my game, luckily t translated over here nicely. I will have to give a shout out to my girlfriend because she not only helps by giving me great music to listen to for warms ups but she forced me to go play in the ECL and I'm happy she did. I wouldn't be playing like this if she didn't. I was able to hit the ground running and keep it up" he says. My heart stops when he mentions me.

"That's right... you're dating the vibrant singer Lizzie Star! How have you guys been" he asks.

"We're great. She just finished moving in together and she comes to every home game she can. She's learned so much about hockey. Even the language. My dad loves how enthusiastic she is to learn because he loves talking about hockey. I've even been trying to get her band to do a cover of Chelsea Dagger" he joked. He wasn't lying though. That suggesting keeps "randomly" coming up in my notes for the band meeting.

"Well I'm happy for you guys and the Blackhawks. Keep up the good work" the interviewer says.

"I will. And Lizzie if you're watching this give my love to Precious" he says waving to the camera. I roll my eyes and shut off the tv. I fix myself a cup of tea to aid my voice and crawl into bed. I had a long day of recording and arranging tomorrow and sleep is extremely important. I lay on his side of the bed and cuddle into his pillow as I start to drift off. That is until my phone starts going off. I let out a groan and see it was Vivian.

"Hey girly" she chirps.

"What's up" I ask.

"Were you asleep" she wonders.

"I was about to be" I chuckle.

"Oopsies. I was just wondering if you could pick me up on the way to the studio tomorrow" she asks.

"Of course, but you could have just texted me" I giggle.

"Yeah, but I love the sound of your voice. Even over the phone" she laughs. She finally lets me go and I set my phone down. As soon as it gets on the charger it starts ringing again and I roll my eyes. Who knew I was so popular? I see it's Patrick trying to FaceTime me and a smile comes on my face. I answer it and his face pops up looking tired but happy.

"Good job today! You did great" I say and he smiles.

"Thanks, felt good out there" he admits.

"Nice interview by the way" I tease.

"Oh... you actually saw that" he asks.

"Yup" I reply popping the p.

"I meant it. A lot of it. I know making me leave was really hard for you and I appreciate that you were strong enough to let me leave. You weren't selfish and you helped me out more than I've ever known. I don't tell you enough but you're a big reason for my success and I wanted to thank you" he says.

"There isn't a thing I wouldn't do to make you happy" I claim.

"What about a strip tease right now" he jokes.

"Okay one thing" I giggle. We talk for a little and he lets me go. He'll be back early tomorrow but I'll be in the studio anyway. I lay in bed with Precious and look out into the city. This city I call home.

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