A Long Trip Home

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(Third Person POV)

"How much longer?" Blitz asked, impatient.


"Did your Titan's say the same thing?" Blitz opened the hatch to speak.

"Hostile Titanfall? Yeah. Predator said the same thing." Thunder said from on top of Predator's hull.

"Embark, you idiots," Wreckage said as Scavenger opened the hatch for him. He took the controls from her and led his siblings, Thunder on his left and Blitz on his right. The Northstar Titan and the pilot that confronted them earlier seemed calm when a Scorch and an Ion landed, both piloted. The Ion had the same warpaint as Scavenger, but with a different nose art. The Scorch had a black paint job and a nose art with crazed green eyes and a toothy yellow grin.

A British female voice was projected from the Ion. She said, "Viper told Blisk about ya. Told us to kill ya. But, its your lucky day. We're gonna escort you back to the dropship. You'll see him when we get back."

(Wreckage POV)

We followed the three Titans. They lead us to the dropship. We embarked with our Titans, and the other pilots showed us to titanbay. I disembarked and landed on my feet. She kept her watchful blue optic on me the entire time. I gave her a thumbs up, telling her that she can stop being protective. She returned the thumbs up and stood at her full hight. She lumbered off to one of the large slots on the wall., letting the repair drones and MRVN units do their work on her, reconnecting damaged connections, repainting her every imperfection, and buffing her finish. After a few hours, she had a fresh coat of paint and new connections. She looked she had just rolled off the assembly line. "Okay, Scavenger, I'm gonna meet up with everyone else in the control center. Stay here. I'll be back when we pack it in for the night. Shouldn't be too long. Almost there. Why don't you talk to your boyfriend. Heheh. See ya." I laughed a little as I pointed at Predator.


"Who says I'm joking?" I said with a smirk.


"Love you, too." I made a heart shape with my hands.


"I'm really gonna go now." I walked out of titanbay to joined my siblings and the other Pilots.


"And then I said, 'Don't tell me what to do!' Then I kicked him to the ground and shot him with his own pistol! And that's how my Titan was confiscated and I was put with infantry for a month." Thunder finished with maniacal laughter. He was obviously drunk. He was talking about the time he shot a pilot on the same side. He never tells that story. He was easily intoxicated, and never turned down alcohol. Anyway, I chose the right moment to enter the room.

Everyone was sitting at a table, drunk out of their minds. The only sober person in the room besides me was Viper, who was flying the ship. The other Pilots introduced themselves. The Ion Pilot was Slone, and the Scorch Pilot was Kane. "Viper, how much longer until we get there?"

"About a day. We were on Harmony, we need to get to Typhon. Entire other side of the Frontier."

"Dammit. I need to get off this ship."

"Well, there's nothing I can do when we're in space. Sorry."

"You need rest. Blitz is good Pilot; ship and Titan. I'll sober her up before she even gets near the controls, though."

"Thanks. God knows I could use a rest."

"Eight more hours, Viper. She'll be fine by then. Y'know, probably." I glanced over my shoulder at the four pilots, hoping Viper can hold out for a little longer.


"There are extra rooms on the ship, by Titanbay..." Viper explained. I was not listening, as I planned to sleep in Titanbay with Scavenger. I keep a sleeping bag with undergarments and sweat clothes in her storage bay, incase I ever get separated and had to spend I night outside.

I walked Blitz and Thunder to their rooms, still drunk. Slone and Kane managed to make it themselves, somehow. I entered Titanbay and walked up to Scavenger. She opened the hatch and I folded down the seat. Behind it, I kept my clothes, sleeping bag, a Smart Pistol, an extra Data Knife, and two extra Titan Batteries. I removed the sleeping bag and clothes. My helmet was on the seat, where I had previously left it. I set my Data Knife, Mozambique, Frag Grenades, and R-97 next to it. I unrolled the sleeping bag and set it down on the catwalk, next to Scavenger. I stripped myself of my Pilot jumpsuit and folded it nicely, setting it down on top of my weapons and helmet inside Scavenger. I then placed my boots on top of that. I put on a pair of black sweatpants and a green hoodie with the Marauder Corps logo. A middle finger to the IMC. I crawled into my sleeping bag and trusted that Viper would not fall asleep at the controls. I looked up at Scavenger.


"Night, Scavenger." I closed my eyes and drifted off.

—-(Timeskip of 8 hours)—-

"Blitz. Blitz! Sis! Wake up!" I was practically shouting at my sister. I had put my suit back on, sheathed my knife, and holstered my pistol.

"So... Thirsty..." She moaned, clearly hungover.

"Here." I gave her a water bottle. She gulped it down in one go. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Come on, sis. Viper'll fall asleep at the controls."

"Coming. Just let me change into my jumpsuit."


"Hey, Viper," Blitz said as she tapped his shoulder. "Give me the controls and go get some sleep."

"Thank you. I'm pushing 24 hours now." Viper got up from the chair and retired to his room.

"Don't crash, Blitz!" Thunder shouted from across the room. Slone, Kane, Thunder, and I, were playing poker at the table. Seven card stud. I could barely see Slone behind her massive pile of chips. Someone's getting paid tonight. Kane and I had already folded.

"Just give up, mate." Slone smirked.

"Never!" Thunder screamed. He had called and flipped his cards, Slone doing the same. She won by a landslide. "Goddammit!!" Thunder pounded his fist on the table.

"Pay up, bastards." Slone kept the smirk on her face as we slapped the money we bet into her hand. She counted it and folded it away in one of the pockets in her suit.

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