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Viper's POV

"Voodoo 1 to Blisk. I see three Titans about 40 meters ahead of me. Should I investigate?" I said through my comm.

"What Titans?" Blisk said, intrigued.

"Appear to be IMC. Northstar, Ion, Legion."

"Exercise caution. Slone is standing by for Titanfall if you need backup."

"Understood." I cut the comm. "North, bring me down."


"Truthfully, I do not know what to expect. Keep your railgun at the ready."


I loaded my Mozambique, preparing for a fight should these pilots be hostile.

"Land in front of them and open the top hatch." North complied without complaints. I knew her well enough to know that she was expecting a fight.

The Titans stopped their movement. I stood on top North's chassis with my Mozambique held tightly.

"Halt. This is Voodoo 1 Viper. State your names, business, and why you're here."

The Ion's hatch opened to reveal a pilot who's suit was blue in color. They had a Mozambique holstered at their side. A data knife was held in their hand. The pilot took off their helmet to reveal the face of a young man. He had brown spiky hair and dark silver eyes, almost to the point of gunmetal.

Wreckage's POV

"I am Wreckage, an ex-IMC soldier, trained to be a pilot by Kuben Blisk." I say.

"Blisk?" The other pilot seemed intrigued. "Follow me."

Thunder was reluctant, Predator, his Legion, hesitating. Blitz and Fearswoop, her Northstar, were hovering, slowly following. Scavenger, my Ion, moved quickly after the other Northstar, with me still standing on her exterior. I sat down, careful not to block her optic with my legs. I put my helmet back on, continuing to give the pilot called Viper an untrustworthy gaze. I knew full well that this could be a trap, but I didn't care. This might be my only chance to see Kuben Blisk, my idol, my father figure, my friend, ever again.

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