Who Are You?

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When I woke up I was lying in a bed. I groaned and sat up to look at the room of the room. Big mistake. Instantly my head began to pound, but i ignored it the best I could. When I lifted my arms up to stretch, I felt a dull pain in my shoulder. I look at it and saw it was wrapped in bandages, with a reddish brown spot on it. Then I felt a dull ache in my lower left leg, on my calf. I threw off the covers and looked at my leg. It too, was wrapped in bandages with a reddish brown spot on it too. And thankfully I'm still in the clothes I was wearing before.Then someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" I called weakly. The door opened to reveal the tall black haired butler and navy blue haired teen from before. The butler had a neutral look while the teen had a cold one.
They walked up to me and the teen said "Hello, I am Ciel Phantomhive, head of the Phantomhive company. Who are you?" but he said it in a very harsh and cold way. I looked at him and said "Hi, I'm (y/n.)"
"Why are you here?" the teen -Ciel- said coldly. I put a hand on my aching  shoulder and sighed.  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said. "I asked you a question, answer it!" He snapped. I shrank back, and spoke quietly because he was beginning to remind me of Jim. "A machine took me here." I whispered, still looking down. "What kind of machine?" he growled. I kept on looking down while saying "A time machine" Then I looked at him. At first he looked surprised by my words but quickly regained himself and looked cold once again. "A what?!" he snapped. I rolled my eyes, beginning to feel like myself again. And I was pretty irritated. 
"A time machine, you know a machine that lets you travel into the past or future?" I said. Again he looked surprised but I think it was more of my attitude then my words. "I've never heard of something so ridiculous, I don't believe you." He said, looking annoyed at what I told him. I sighed and said "Believe me or don't believe me. I'm leaving." I began to get up but the butler stopped me. "I don't think that would be wise miss. You are badly wounded and in no shape to move. And your bandages should be changed." He reached out to grab my leg but I pulled back from him "And who the hell are you?!" I snapped. Yeah, I'm not really a nice person. He stepped back and bowed, then said "How rude of myself, I'm sorry, my name is Sebastian Michaelis, head butler of the Phantomhive family." I gave him an odd look and said "Don't touch me. And there's no reason to bow Sebastian, I'm not royalty or anything like that."
I then began to undo my bandages, starting with my shoulder, then my leg. When the bandages were all off, I pushed them to the side, and looked at Ciel and Sebastian, only to find them staring  at my leg and shoulder in shock. I looked at my leg and found it to be almost entirely healed, same with my shoulder. Ciel looked at me with wide eyes. "How do you heal so fast? You were only shot a week ago." My eyes snapped to his. "Wait, what? I've been passed out for a week?!" I said in confusion. Ciel rolled his eyes -well eye, since his other one is covered up by his eye patch- and said "Yes, I just said that. Now, how do you heal so fast?" he said, looking at me like I'm an alien. I just shrugged and said "I don't know, I've always been able to heal fast. That's why I'm not dead yet." Then I realized what I said and covered my mouth.
Ciel narrowed his eyes at me. "Why would you be dead?" he asked. I looked at him for a bit, wondering whether or not I should tell him the reason. "Why should I tell you?" I asked, looking at him with suspicion. He looked me in the eyes and said "Because I've given you a place to rest and heal." I sighed. He was right and it's not like anybody in the time period knows me. "My foster parents abuse me..." I whispered. Both Ciel and Sebastian looked at me in shock. I just looked down, ashamed of it. "What?" Ciel and Sebastian said at the same time.

I smirked at them. I haven't been able to smile or laugh ever since my parents died. I looked at him and said "I won't say it again, but I think I know why I heal so fast. When I was younger, Jim held me down and  injected some kind of black liquid into me everyday for 4 years, than I got to strong for him and Lucinda to hold me down, that's when I was 13. They stopped doing that a year ago." Then Sebastian looked at me in shock. "Was the liquid blood?" he asked. I looked at him in surprise. How in the hell did he know that? "Yeah, it said something like that on the vile. How did you know?" I said looking at him confused and surprised. He gave me a serious look and said " (y/n), you are part demon." 

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