Singing And The Servants

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I was about to nod and agree with him, but then I realized what he said. "Wait, what? You're saying the black blood belonged to a demon? No way! Demon don't exist!" I exclaimed. "Neither do time machines!" Ciel shot at me. "How else do you think I got here?" I shot back. "You probably climbed through a window." He accused. Sebastian watched us go back and forth for a while before he stopped us. "Young master, Miss (y/n), please stop your childish bickering, now." He told us. We stopped instantly. "Liar." Ciel muttered. "Jackass." I whispered back. "Jerk." He said quietly. "Bitch." I said. "Demon." He shot back. "Prick." I said, smirking. "Stop!" Sebastian demanded. "Sorry." I said still smirking. "Now, (y/n) how old are you?" Sebastian asked. "14." I replied. Sebastian smirked. "What?" Ciel and I said at the same time. "Nothing, Its just you're only a year younger than Young master." He said, still smirking. Ciel and I both blushed. 

"W-Whatever! Shut up!" I said trying to hide my blush. "S-Sebastian!" Ciel said, blushing a bit. Sebastian just laughed and said "But I was only stating the truth." While we both just glared at him. Then he asked something completely random. "(Y/n), can you sing?" I blushed a bit more and said "Yeah, I've been told I'm good, why?" He smirked. What is with him and smirking?! "I was just wondering if you would sing a song for Young master, the Servants and I?" He asked, looking me right in the eyes. I looked at him, stunned. Then said "Y-Yeah, I guess." He smiled, though it didn't look very real. "Good. I shall go and retrieve the servants while Young master waits for you to get changed." He said  while he got up and gave Ciel a look and walked out the door, Ciel followed him and said "I bet she can't sing that well." I glared at his back until the door was shut.

But what he said hurt me, though I don't know why. I've been told worse. I sighed and got up, walked over to my suitcase, and looked at what I had. I ended up wearing a Fit for Rivals t-shirt, grey ripped skinny jeans, and my black combat boots. I also grabbed my iPod and the pill speaker that boosts the sound. I put my iPod in my pocket, then I walked out to the hall, to a waiting Ciel. He eyed my clothes. "What are you wearing?" he said with disgust. "A shirt, pants and shoes. What does it look like I'm wearing?" I said, looking at him like he's an idiot, which he is. "I don't like how they look at all." He said. I glared at him. "I don't give a fuck if you like them or not!" I said exclaimed. He just looked away and and whispered "Why did we ever save you?" Obviously thinking I wouldn't be able to hear him.

My heart stopped for a second but my legs didn't. Now I'm pissed. And I know the songs I picked out would be perfect. When we got to the dining hall, I saw a stage set up in the middle of the room with nothing set up on it and seats in front of it. There's not too many people in front of the stage, just the people who were shooting at me, Sebastian and some small old guy drinking what looks like tea. I ran away from Ciel and jumped onto the stage. I plugged the speaker into my ipod and turned the music on.

You don't know anything

You don't know anything

You don't know anything

About me, yeah

(Everyone looked surprised at the sound of the music, But I enjoyed their looks.)

Once it starts, it never stops

Discipline, it's all I'm not

Can't help myself, you listening?

Why can't I say just what I want?

You don't know anything

No, you don't know anything

About me

Steady damage, cross the line

What's become clearly defined

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