Chapter Seventeen: The City of Love and Lights Part 1

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Sam kept her hand in her coat pocket as she moved forward in the streets of Paris. Her other hand was holding up her phone to her ear as Ali was in a dangerous buzz about all that happened to her in Uni. It had been her first day and Sam was happy she was adjusting nicely.

The only thing she didn't appreciate was the boys that had already asked Ali out on her first day.

"Honestly, Ali, you're too pretty for your own good," Sam hurried to cross the street. "I didn't even have that problem, well in high school,"

"That was because Leo was with you," Sam smiled slightly at Ali's reminded. "He scared boys off. You look better than me, dummy,"

"Bonjour," Sam greeted as she entered the hotel in which she was supposed to meet her lawyer, and her other lawyer.

"I appreciate the compliment, Ali, but it's unnecessary," Sam said into the phone before she smiled as Leo stood up from his seat with a wave of his hand. "I have to go,"

"You're meeting Leo, right?" Ali asked as Sam moved forward to the waiting boy.

"Yes, Ali, and he's right here," She said in exasperation as she placed her bag down on the table. "You get rest,"

"Okay, bye, Sammy. Call me later, alright?"

"If I can,"

"I love you," Sam smiled.

"I love you too," She replied as Leo winked at her, which made her chuckle slightly.

Sam hung up and placed her phone down before Leo helped her shrug off her coat and into her chair.

"Good morning, Mr. Sacramento," Her tone is light and is professional as she smiles.

"Good morning as well, Miss Flores," He replies in the same tone before Sam takes her phone and begins to send a message to her lawyer in France, telling him that she has arrived.

"I trust your flight was well?" She asks, folding her hands together once she is done with the message.

"It was very well, Miss," Leo taps his hands lightly.

"And how are you finding France?" She questions, since it is his first time.

"Truly wonderful, though I would love to explore more," He starts to grin as Sam laughs.

"I could help you with that," Sam nods at him, which makes him laugh.

"I missed you," Leo whines softly.

"It's been a day," Sam snorts, running a hand through her hair.

"You picked that up from me," He states, grabbing hold of her hand and flipping it over to plant a kiss on her wrist.

Sam could feel the heat rise up to her cheeks. It wasn't fair. She seemed so flustered and he didn't even seem slightly unhinged.

"A habit so annoying could only be picked up from you," Sam states.

"Be careful, babe, you're talking to your boyfriend," Leo winks, which makes Sam laugh again as she covers her mouth with her hand.

"Miss Flores?" Someone asks in a heavy accent before someone appears beside her.

"Mr. Trivona, take a seat," Her tone changes as she motions to the empty seat.

"Mr. Sacramento, this is Mr. Trivona, he is in charge of all lawful affairs here in France," Sam nods. "Mr. Trivona, this is Mr. Sacramento, he is in charge in the Philippines,"

They shake hands before Sam clasps her hands together so they could begin.


"We're in Paris and we're eating food service while watching French SpongeBob," Leo states, spooning his strawberry gelato into his mouth.

"I for one like this date," Sam states, leaning up to kiss his cheek before going back to watch SpongeBob.

"This is our second date,"


"And we're in Paris and we're eating food service while watching French SpongeBob." Leo reiterates before Sam laughs, spooning another mouthful of pistachio gelato.

"I think my birthday date is worth four dates," Sam shrugs before Leo shakes his head.

"I still want something to do in the city of love,"

"It's the city of lights," Sam points out, keeping her eyes on the television set.

"No it's not," Leo answers back, turning to face her. Sam furrows her eyebrows at the telly.

"Yes it is," Sam answers. "It isn't the city of love, or romance, or anything of that kind,"

"It is! I'll--"

The ringing of Sam's cellphone cuts through their argument, she grabs it off the coffee table and gives the shh-ing sign to Leo before pressing it close to her ear.


"Princess!" Ian answers through the other side. The enthusiasm makes Sam grin.

"Hey, Ian," She answers, leaning back as Leo rolls his eyes. She elbows him in response.

"What are you up to in the city of love?"

"It's the city of lights," Leo pulls out his tongue as Sam chuckles. "Besides, I'm doing nothing in particular consequence, really. I'm actually watching French SpongeBob,"

"Amazing. You're in Paris and you're watching SpongeBob,"

"It's French," Sam points out.

"Moving on, Princess," Sam spoons another mouthful of gelato. "How's Leo? Has he arrived yet?"

"Yeah, we had a meeting awhile ago with one of my other lawyers," Leo takes a spoonful from her gelato before quirking an eyebrow at her. She shakes her head.

"And has he done something again? To make you fall in love with him?"

"He behaved particularly well, actually, I think I may have actually scared him," Sam grins as Leo rolls his eyes. He mouths no before she pulls out her tongue.

"Scared him? Psh, Sam, you wouldn't have scared a single fly,"

"Unless of course I become all business like,"

"Well that's time you make people faint,"

"Funny." Sam chuckles as Ian grumbles about dry senses of humor.

"But do tell me please, Princess,"


"You aren't going to fall for his tricks, are you?"

Sam pauses, looking up at Leo. He looks down back at her before brushing her hair off her forehead with a smile.

"I don't know, Ian," Leo raises an eyebrow.

"He'll hurt you, Sam," Sam bit her lip before looking down at her gelato.

"I hope not," She said quietly.

"You okay?" Ian asks.

"Yeah, fine, just tired. Can I call you tomorrow? You have to go to sleep,"

"So much concern,"

"Of course,"

"Bye, Princess,"

"Bye, Ian,"

Sam hangs up and places her phone back on the table, before she proceeds to eat her ice cream silently.

"Are you alright?" Leo asks, tipping her head back so that she could look at him.

"What'd he say?"

"He said many things,"

"What'd he say to make you keep quiet?" He asks, softer this time.

"He told me you would hurt me, and I told him--" The words were lost to his kiss.

Soft, and meaningful, and protective. As though he was ensuring something. And he was.

"Never," He whispers once he pulls back.

Sam believed him.

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