Valentine's Day (Dear Evan Hansen)

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Evan's POV

I nervously clutched the valentine I got for Zoe. Most kids in my class think that it's stupid that we are still having Valentines Day parties in high school, but I kind of like it. Even though there's no reason to because I never really get anything. But this year is different. This year I have convinced myself to make a Valentine for Zoe. It seems that everyone in our class is in a relationship. All the couples have made their way to the back of the classroom either making out or giving each other flowers or something. Shoot, I realize . I don't have flowers or chocolates or anything. I just have my valentine. I wonder if that's enough. I look down at it. It's a pink card that says "be mine." I walk up to Zoe and see she's standing all alone playing with the bracelet she has on. "H-hi Z-Zoe" I struggle to say. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Uh hi" she says.

"Um I j-just w-wanted to tell you that I think your smile's really pretty. And um I watch you play in jazz band- um I mean like not in a creepy stalker way or anything I just um" I look down, about to give up and then I remember the valentine. "I m-made this for you"

Zoe opens the card as I watch embarrassed. She smiles. "Thanks" she says "This is really sweet."

"Um d-do you wanna maybe hang out tomorrow night?" I struggle to ask.

"I'm sorry-"

"no no it's fine, why would a girl like you want to go out with someone like me. I'm an idiot for asking. I'm so sorry, I'll leave now" I start walking away and then she grabs my arm .

"No" she says. "I'm sorry because I'm busy tomorrow" She pauses and thinks. "I'm free tonight of that works?"

"Y-yeah, tonight works" I smile.

"Wanna meet at Sammy's Diner tonight at 6:00?"

"Umm ok" I smile. "See ya then"


I look in the mirror. This night could change everything. I decide to put on cologne to impress Zoe. I check my watch. God I hope I'm not late. 5:45. Ok, I decide. I should start heading out soon. The diner is about a 10 minute walk from my house, and I want to make sure I'm not late.

I walk into the diner and see Zoe sitting at a booth, looking beautiful. I check my watch again to make sure I'm not late. 6:02. "Hi Evan!" I hear Zoe call to me. I walk over to the booth where Zoe is sitting.

"H-hi Zoe. You look beautiful"

Zoe smiles. "Thanks"

"What would you like to order?" The waitress asks us as she comes over to our table.

"I'll just have a salad and a strawberry milkshake" Zoe says.

I realize I'm staring at her. "Um sir, what would you like to order?" 

"Oh, sorry. I'll have a hamburger and an orange soda"  When the waitress leaves I want to make sure that there isn't any awkward silence so I ask "So, How has your Valentine's Day been so far?"
"It's been good so far. Kind of boring, though. After school I just went home and got in a fight with by brother."

"Oh" now I feel kind of bad for asking.

"But it's ok now" She smiles at me and reaches for my hand. "You know Evan, I'm really glad you asked me out tonight"

"Y-you are?"

Zoe lets out an adorable chuckle. "Yes" she says "you seem like a great guy and I've always thought you were kind of cute"

I'm suddenly startled. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. "W-wow, thanks" I say as I try to not let her see how happy that made me. Suddenly I see a guy staring at us. He's probably checking Zoe out. I try to forget about him but he starts walking towards us. 

"Excuse me Ma'am, Is this nerd bothering you?" He says to Zoe as he leans on our table. 

"Um no" Zoe replies "Actually we were just having a conversation and I'm wondering if you could give us some privacy" 

"No problem" he says "But are you sure you wouldn't rather spend tonight with someone a little more- you know" he says gesturing at himself.

"I'm good." Zoe remarks. "Can you please leave us alone now?"

"Yeah" I say "Leave us alone" 

"You wanna mess with me boy?" He says walking over to me. Suddenly he shoves me onto the ground. "Lets go, beautiful" he says to Zoe. 

"Never!" Zoe says. Suddenly he starts grabbing Zoe and trying to pull her away. "Get Off Me!" She shouts. Suddenly the whole diner is staring at us. He keeps pulling and Zoe pushes him away. 

"Go Away" she says. 

"Come on baby, don't be like this" the guy says as he tries to get closer to Zoe. 

"I'm not your baby" she says angrily. 

"Fine" he says. "Have fun with that Loser" 

And then, just like that . Zoe socked him in the face :)

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