Chapter 2 - Sting Eucliffe

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Let's get started! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

I ran out the front door of my castle and went head first into the fight in the village. Men came to me, swords in hand that were lifted over their heads. I quickly drew my sword, lifting it, then stabbing the ground saying, "Fire Dragon's Iron Blade!" Fire immediately lit in a thick circle around me and burned those who got caught in it. Their screams of agony pierced my ears. It hurt me knowing I was killing other human beings.

Once the fire burned out, I saw something I wish I never seen. Lucy running along side Celestial Guards. I tried running after them, but guards blocked my path. One of the men swung their sword toward my head. I swiftly ducked and sliced his leg with my sword that was lit with orange and yellow flames. He fell and bled out until death from a severe cut on one of his main arteries in his leg. I turn around with my flaming sword in the air and burn a man's arm off with the side of my sword. Another came in front of me. Except.. He had white shiny armor and a white sword with it to complete his set of white armor.

He spoke, "Why did you steal my sister away from us?!" He ran at me and his blade glowed a white color. He slashed at the ground under me and the earth under me cracks open. I fall in but stab my sword into one of the trench-like walls. I skid to a stop. I grab onto a rock in the parted earth that was stable enough for me hang all my weight on and put my sword in my mouth, biting down on it so it wouldn't slip out of my mouth. I start climbing to the surface.

As I get to the top, I see him standing at the edge with his sword up over his head. He was about to chant some words but I interrupt him by quickly taking my sword out from my teeth that was holding it and hit his sword out of his hands. It was sent flying a bit far. I push him to the ground, the tip of my sword pushed against his neck. The fire on my sword still remained but in tiny flames.

And so, I decide to answer his question half truthfully. "I have grown quite fond of Lucy. I needed someone to keep me entertained. I needn't to explain myself. Do not question a King's actions." I tell the blonde man at the other end of my sword that was lying on the ground. "So, you are?"

He just glares at me. I push my sword a bit more toward his neck, drawing blood. He winces. "S-Sting Eucliffe, King of the Celestial Kingdom..!" I look down at him with partially squinted eyes. "And who the hell are you?"

I glance at his sword that was a bit far away. He has a Legendary Dragon Slayer Sword.. He must be stronger.. "Natsu Dragneel, King of the Dragonic Kingdom," I reply as I take my sword from his neck and help him up after putting my sword away, then I bow in greeting.

He bows too as his eyes grew wide. "The Natsu Dragneel?! No wonder you beat me and most my knights so easily.. But king of a kingdom? I thought you were a rogue prince!"

"I had used to be. But it was my father's dying wish for me to rule this kingdom. If it was a dying wish, I cannot say no. It's my motto. Especially if it was my father's wish." I rub the back of my head and flash a toothy grin. "And declaring war when you don't even know the other king of the kingdom you want to start a war with? What's up with that?"

He reaches out and shakes my hand. "Well, it was meeting you, Natsu. But I have to go. We have my sister back so we needn't spend any more time here." He ran off after getting his sword and shouting to his soldiers, "RETREAT! WE HAVE SUCCESSFULLY GOT HER BACK! RETREAT!"

I growled. "He only talked to me to buy more time!?" I let out a loud roar. Men around me covered their ears as I loudly roared a dragon-like sound. "Lucy!" I shouted into the sky as flames engulfed my body, covering all of me. Dead bodies' decaying flesh and bones start to melt from the heat of my flames. I caught a glance at Sting who disappears into the crowd of men who's ears were still ringing. The Celestial Kingdom's men retreated and went back to their own kingdom as soon as they got the message that their princess returned.

Ja Ne! Hope you liked this chapter! One of my special friends' OC with be entering this soon. Until next chapter, little Fairies!

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