Chapter 15 - Happy

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Let's get started! Hope you all enjoy!

"So, the reason I don't remember becoming king or having that fight with... Matsu was for that reason?"

I nod. "Yes. But, you made one little mistake there," I pause and glare at him. "My name isn't Matsu! It's Natsu." I correct, in an death-threatening tone.

He arches a brow. "What's the difference?" He laughs. I run at him, but Emerald holds me back as I try to punch him.

I huff, giving up and walk off to Lucy as Sting and Emerald talk. I smirk. "Luce.." I whisper in her ear, making her shiver at the warmth of my breath that brushed up against her ear. She goes to turn around, but I snake my arms around her waist from behind, taking her by surprise.

She blushes furiously and groans while sighing. "N-Natsu, what're you doing?" She asks and facepalms, but I clearly wasn't listening, I was busy listening in on Emerald and Sting's conversation. "Natsu." I snap out of my trance when Lucy calls my name. I look at her. "Natsu, I asked what you were..." I tune her out for a moment and my eyes fall to her lips. They looked so vulnerable and soft. I turn her around and pull her closer.

I suddenly feel a hand slap on top my shoulder. I let go of Lucy and growl. "Natsu, is my sister your-" I cut him off with a punch to their cheek. "What the hell!?" Sting cups a hand over his hurt cheek. I glare at him.

I pull her back into my arms when she tries running away from my grasp and growl once more. "Why does somebody always have to ruin special moments!?"

"Special moments?" Realization almost immediately smacks him across his face. "Oh. Well, that may have to wait. I just need to ask: are you my sister's boyfriend?" He asks with a hand on his chin as if he were thinking.

I was about to answer, but Lucy cut me off. "No, he is not my boyfriend." She answers bluntly, almost as if she were a robot.

An imaginary arrow shot through my chest as I was taken aback from her blunt answer. I peel off of Lucy and shrivel up into a ball on the hard aluminum tiled floor dramatically. "Wow, Lucy. That hurt..." I complain as I sulk, curled up on the floor. "I thought you loved me..."

She puts her hands on her hips and looks down at me. "I do, Natsu, but just because we said we loved each other, doesn't mean that we're automatically a couple. One or the other person has to ask the other out on a date to confirm if the other is relationship material." Her eyebrows scrunch together. "Or so, that's what I read in books."

I sat up, criss-crossed. "Heh, that's easy," I say, running a hand through my salmon colored hair. I stood and grab one of Lucy's hands. "Lucy, will you go out with me tonight?" I ask simply, without giving it any thought on where we would actually go, or what I would wear besides my usual everyday white shaggy pants, signature white scarf, and black muscle shirt. Plus the long white overcoat that had designed flames climbing up.

Lucy opened her mouth to answer, but Sting took my hand off her's and hastily answered for her. "No, I will not allow my little sister to date an idiot like you."

I glare at Sting and he returns the favor. "Who are you to speak for her? You don't have to right to tell her who she can or can't date. She has a voice of her own, she doesn't need someone to speak and make choices for her. So, back off, Light Freak," I insult. He just glares at me and crosses his arms in defeat. I soften my expression as I turn to Lucy. "Lucy. What is your answer?" I ask and give a toothy grin. She smiles widely and nods. "Meet me at Magnolia Park at dusk. For now, we should be getting back." Crossing my arms behind my head, I happily walk to the door.

They suddenly burst open revealing a flying blue cat. He looks around and spots me. He quickly flies over to me and hugs my neck. "Natshu, I knew that was your scent! I thought they caught you and took you away." He sighs a breath of relief.

I return the hug. "Hey, little buddy. I was just leaving this kingdom." I pat his head and chuckle.

He pulls back and looks at me. "You're leaving? Can I come with you?" I see one of his ear twitch.

"Sure!" I reply, rubbing the spot between his ears on his head. His mouth curves up into an excited smile.


"Natshu, why do you have motion sickness?" He asks as I lay my head in Lucy's lap with my face scrunched up, trying not to puke.

Hope you enjoyed! Until next chapter, Little Fairies! Ja Ne!

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