Chapter 3: The Magic Touch

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In The Bathroom
Once I got into the large stall in the bathroom, I closed the door quickly, locked it, and looked at both my hands. I was still confused on how I made the spoon turn purple, and I wanted to know the answer now. "How did I even do that?! Was I imagining? Was it one of those toy spoons that change color every time you touch it? How the heck did I even had the ability to do that?!",  I said to myself as I just remembered that I was the only one in the bathroom. Luckily no one else was in here. I looked down at my hands one more time and I saw nothing. I then thought to myself that it must've been my imagination. As I was about to leave the bathroom, a fly was in my face. I waved my hand back in forth to get it away, and then something strange happened again. As I waved my hand, a spark of purple shot out of my left hand and it sticked to the bathroom wall. I looked closely at the shiny piece of purple on the wall in fright, and I felt like I wanted to scream. "What is happening to me?!", I said as I was still looking at the wall. I felt like I wanted to cry. I had tears go down my face for two minutes, but then I heard the bathroom door opening. It was my mom checking on me. I cleaned my tears quickly and kept the stall door shut. "Baby, are you ok? You've been in the bathroom for five minutes, and your father wants to know if you're ok.", she said. I cleared my throat and said "I'm fine mom. I'm just a little sick, but I'm ok. I'll be out in a minute." As my mom left and closed the door, I still kept my eyes on the wall. Still looking at the purple shading. I put my hand on the shading, and it felt very hard and smooth. It felt like if I was touching crystals that were already grown, because the texture looked like a shiny code of hard rock that was very smooth. "This is so weird. How am I able to produce crystals?", I said as I just remembered that I had to meet my family back at the table. I left the bathroom stall and was about to head quickly out the door. But that was until the janitor came in and stopped me. I stood still trying to act normal, but she was looking at me curiously. She looked liked a old lady with blue eyes, a light shading of blonde hair, she had many pimples on her face being covered by all of her wrinkles, she wore a light blue janitor outfit, and she spoke in a very weird way. I was so uncomfortable when she was looking at me. Her eyes beamed on me and she finally spoke. "What's your hurry, my darling? You look like you're upset.", she said to me as she was still having her eyes on me. I felt like I wanted to leave, but I knew she was talking to me. I had no choice but to answer. "Oh it's nothing, I'm just a little sick, that's all.", I said trying to not look suspicious. She then looked at me again and said "Oh, you poor dear. I suggest you go find your family and let them know right away.", she said in a nice but weird way. I then nodded my head and then let her pass. As I saw her going into the large stall I was in before, I felt like say "No, please wait!", but it was too late. She was already in the stall, and she saw the purple code on the wall. I felt like I was going to be sick because I don't want her to think I have magic or anything. She then turned to me again and came close to me. "Did you do this?", she said as she looked very close in my face. This time I was extremely scared now. I then thought to myself what would happen if my family found out about this too. I then spoke "I can explain myself! I had nothing to do with it! I was just waving my hand around and-" But as I was about finish my sentence, she put her hand on my mouth. As I was already quiet, she asked to see my hands, and I was so confused on what was going right now. "My dear, let me see your hands.", she said as I put my hands on hers. She was looking at both my hands in a weird way, saying a tiny bit of words I couldn't understand, and she was feeling them. I felt so uncomfortable and so confused on what is even happening right now. She then let go of my hands and spoke to me in a quiet voice that I was able to hear. "My dear child, they are ready to get you. They have been waiting a long time to see you again. Now that you're grown up and ready, they will get you tonight.", she said as she was done talking to me. I was so confused this time, I had no idea what she was talking about. I turned around quickly to think on what she meant. "Who is waiting to see me a-", I was about to ask. But when I turned around, she was gone. I was so in shocked not because she disappeared, but I was so confused on what she told me. Who is it that wants to see me again? Who is coming to get me tonight? And what am I ready for, now that I'm grown up?

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