Chapter Five...^_^

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so where we lefted off.... was at school grayson asked Julie to be his girlfriend, i know you guy been wanting to know what her answer was so her answer was HELLA YES...... Julie jumps up from her desk and jumps into Grayson's arms. he catches her. just then the school bell rings, finally school is out. Grayson said " aye baby wanna go on a date now. to Ihop" Julie" sure bae hehe i would love to" so they got in grayson's car they buckled up and drove off, his hand moved to her leg holding her leg. Julie in her mind is sceaming in her mind, wondering how long is he going to hold her leg. to her surprisedment he did it for the whole ride! so they got to ihop and then they walked in and got a table for two, he said "so you can get anything you want" Julie said"are you sure, i dont want you to think i only want you for your money cux your amazing as a person gray... i treat you as a person and not as a fan" Grayson smiled and said "thank you baby it means a whole lot that you dont want me for my money. but i want to give you the world."  the waiter comes and took their order, they got the same pancakes chocolate chip banana they loved every bite of it.

so they drove back to their houses, but he told Julie not to go in her house and said to come into his. grayson wanted her to meet ethan. so they met and they went up into grays room to play some video games.... but... then... he leaned in and kissed her, they got up went to the bed clothes flying across the room, grayson sticked his dick into Julie and made love with her. julie was maoning like crazy they both where... then she looked at the clock after they were done having sex it was 6:00 pm. Julie "shit... my mom is going to kill  me babe" Grayson " no she won't cuz i will tell her we were studying" Julie" your so bad. but damn gray that bod you got me going in circles" Grayson  " your welcome baby" he leaned in and kissed her lips goodnight, she got dressed and went home. her mom was waiting for her saying where were you young lady. Julie "i was at graysons mom, we where studying for our test we have tomorrow." mom "oh ok good to know sweetie next time just call." Julie" yes mom i will call next time" she went upstairs and is amazed at what happened today... for one grayson dolan asked her to be his.... two... she had sex for the first time with her crush and her bf! 

so grayson called his mom and said "mom can i bring my girlfriend on our family trip to Italy... i cant be with out her." Lisa" sure grayson i cant wait to meet her sweet" he texts Julie " bae my parents invited you to go to italy with us and i was wondering if we can talk your parents into letting you go, cuz i need there" Julie " OMG are you for real... i always wanted to go to italy" so he said good night to her and they went to sleep sadly in two differnt hosues. 

so is that what  you guys where looking for, for the best chapter ever... and if you are young... you might not wanna read this chapter haha sorry for the sex haha! anyways stay tuned lets hope they can get her parents to say yes to go to italy, lets hope its a yes......

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