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Harry was nowhere in sight when I left to go meet Jamie in the media room.

I needed someone to talk to about what had happened, and Jamie was the person I was closest to.

When I arrived at the theatre like room, Jamie was already set up with blankets, popcorn, and the scary movies.

"You rea- whoa you look like you saw a ghost. I knew this freaking White House was haunted."

"No, I just had run in with Harry." I sighed.

Jamie frowned but started the movie anyway.

We cuddled in the seats, blankets over us and shrieking every time a zombie would jump out.

"Okay, this one is too scary!" He paused the movie.

I was still hiding behind my blanket with only my eyes peeking out.

"So tell me about your run in with Harry." Jamie turned to me. I had been waiting for him to ask.

I hated initiating conversation, he knew that too and knew I wouldn't say anything until he asked me.

"He was outside my room and I asked why he was being so rude to me today and he just flipped out on me and called me a whore because he thought you were my boyfriend which is insane and i've been talking to this guy at school and then he like shoved me in my room and it was just...I don't know..."

"Okay." Jamie said slowly before exhaling. "I'm going to need you to explain that to me but give me more information."

I must have spent 20 minutes telling him every detail of living with Harry since the first day. Jamie looked at me with wide eyes and a dropped jaw and when I finished the story I thought he was going to flip a switch.

"He can't treat you like that, Emma!" Jamie exclaimed.

"I know it's his job and he has to protect me but I'm not a baby." I mumbled, whining as I laid down on the floor. "I guess I just don't know what to do, Jamie."

"Well...we could watch this movie and scare ourselves shitless?"

"Mmm...yeah okay." I shrugged and Jamie laughed but as he reached for the remote we heard someone clear their throat.

Jamie and I looked up and I quietly gasped when I saw Harry standing there in the doorway.

He clearly looked uncomfortable but was putting on a strong facade.

"Emma, can I speak with you?" He said and I blinked in realization that he was actually asking to see me.

"Why, so you can yell at her again?" Jamie then piped up behind me and I whipped around to see him standing up, his protective posture already in place.

"J-Jamie!" I shot up, panicking as he walked toward Harry.

"Excuse me?" Harry said through his teeth.

"You heard me quite clear. All you've done is scream at and threaten Emma since you've met her and I won't let you do it anymore." Jamie approached him.

"Listen to me, Jamie, i'm the one who was put in charge of her protection. Not you. So your entitled ass can back up."

"Harry!" I yelled.

"What?! You think he could do what I do? I could break him like a tooth pick!" Harry snapped at me.

"I've been there for her longer than you have!You think that screaming at her and punishing her will make her listen to you? Well if you knew anything about Emma you would know that doing that only pushes her away! I could protect her better than you ever could because I know how to treat people!" Jamie fired at Harry.

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