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happy update!

so i've been sitting on this chapter for a while now and i'm sorry about that.

The reason is because as I was going back on previous chapters I came across a few comments about Emma's character that i feel i needed to get off my chest and explain.

I wrote Emma's character in a way that was meant to be realistic. Emma is dramatic, complicated, bratty, and whiny. She complains, she says things without thinking or things she doesn't mean. She makes mistakes, will tell a lie every now and then and does things she can't take back.

She gets mad and upset, sometimes with an without reason. She can be overly emotional and cries when she's frustrated, confused or angry. She can have good intentions and still mess up but that's okay because people are not perfect and Emma is not a perfect character.

I think when people read they expect someone who is perfect, but I know that no one is perfect, and I wanted Emma's character to be realistic. Emma has flaws but so do we. We can be bratty and whine and do stupid things we can't take back, but that's okay because we are human beings.

I get people might not like Emma, and that's okay, but her character is meant to be flawed. The concept is that despite her flaws AND Harry's flaws (which he obviously has) they love each other for them.

I hope my little explanation made sense haha

anyways, i hope you enjoy this chapter...enjoy ;)

Harry's PoV:

My eyelids creaked open, and when they did I saw nothing. A soreness was spreading through my neck and back.

I opened my eyes again, this time for a longer period of time and could still see nothing but darkness around me.

I could feel a cold hard surface beneath me, and I groaned as I blinked a few times, my eyes trying to adjust.

What the hell?

Where even was I?

My eyes searched around to figure out where I was when they landed on a dark shadow across from me. I squinted, and after a moment, I could see it was a body.


"Emma." I said as I jumped up, moving the
several feet over to her, shaking her with my hands.

"Emma! Wake up!"

A whine left her as she moved her head, and I felt slight relief to know she wasn't dead, but I didn't know if she was injured or not.

"Emma, are you okay?" I moved my face next to hers as I watched her open her eyes, confusion and fear washing over her.

She gasped out of fear and sat up, her hands grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Where are we?" She began to look around.

"I don't know." I said as I looked around myself. "Are you hurt?"

"No." She shook her head. "Are you?"

"I'm okay. How the hell did we get here?"

She sat up even more.

"There was smoke in the car. You passed out and I tried to wake you up but I passed out too."

"Smoke?" I asked her.

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