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happy update!

I'm SO SORRY this update took so long! I had no inspiration for a long time and then it finally hit.

So anyways, here is your update you've been waiting for! I'll try my best not to take this long again!

Also, thank you all for your well wishes! I'm feeling a lot better and it is so heart warming to see all of the kind messages from you guys. I love you all so much!!!!

enjoy the chapter! ;)

beware of the ending...

I sat in my fathers' office alone, waiting for my parents to come in.

I had been told that I had to be in his office at 1:00 sharp, and it was 12:59. Today I was meeting the new bodyguard that would be living with me at school.

It had been a week since my phone had been taken up and I had left my voicemails to Harry. I had no idea if he had tried to call me back, or had tried to get in contact with me.

Maybe he was calling every hour on the hour. Or maybe he hadn't called at all.

I didn't know.

I had been given a government laptop to do my schoolwork on, but every site that wasn't directly tied to schoolwork had been blocked. I was so pissed off at my parents, but they were also pissed off at me, so it had essentially been a silent standoff between me and them.

Mila was the only person I had been able to talk to.

Even though she was four and her only concerns were what snacks she was having that day and toys, she and I both bonded over Harry. We both loved him and we both needed him, in different ways of course, but he was still an important part of her life just like he was in mine.

My head lifted up when I heard the door open and I looked to see my father, mom, and another man walk in.

The man with them had to be in his late 30's, but he already had salt and pepper hair and deep creases on his forehead.

Like Harry had always done, he wore a suit, but it looked better on Harry.

"Emma." My father said as he approached. "This is Phil Steigman, he will be your new live in agent."

I didn't respond.

"Ms. Winston, it's an honor to meet you." Phil came up to me to shake my hand and I hesitantly did as such.

"Hi." I replied.

"Emma tomorrow you will be going back to school so I suggest you get packed and ready to go."

I stood up and nodded before leaving the room,  going back to my bedroom so I could start packing.

When Mila got back from school she sat on my bed and chatted with me while I folded clothes into my suitcase.

She was sad I was leaving, but I told her I would see if she could come visit me, however after the stunt I pulled last week my parents would probably never allow that again.

The next morning was like deja vu. My things were loaded into the trunk of an armored SUV, and I got inside with my bodyguard in the front passengers seat. But this time, instead of Harry, it was Phil.

"Is the temperature alright for you back there, Ms. Winston?" Phil asked me.

"It's fine." I replied quietly and in monotone before pressing the button for the screen to go up.

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