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happy update!

since it's summer i will try and update at least once a week! I also plan on getting back to my other stories so if you've read them expect updates for those as well!

i hope you are all doing well!

comment something good that happened to you this week!

enjoy the chapter ;)

A charming and elegant smile was permanently  etched on my lips as I walked around the White House lawn with my arm around Harry's.

Mila was skipping beside us as we walked behind my parents and over to a group of people they wanted to talk to.

Kids were running all over the place in their Easter outfits, the staff, congressman, senators, and dignitaries bringing their children to join in on the festivities.

"Oh my God it's like munchkin land." Harry muttered under his breath and I lightly elbowed him.

"Hush." I chuckled.

We arrived at a group of some of my fathers cabinet members that he wanted to talk to and I stepped up beside my dad.

I had to let go of Harry's arm in order to shake hands with people.

"And who's this?" One of the men asked me after he shook my hand and nodded to Harry.

"This is my boyfriend, Harry Styles." I introduced Harry.

"Nice to meet you." The man shook Harry's hand. "What do you do Harry?"

"I work in the private sector." Harry gave his scripted answer.

After shaking hands for a long time and introducing Harry to everyone who asked who he was, Harry and I made a stroll over to the snack tables for some punch.

Harry poured me a glass and I took a sip as he poured his own cup when a voice spoke from behind us.

"I can't believe they gave you your job back."

Harry and I both turned around to see Travis Newton standing there, a pissed off look on his face.

"And I cant believe they let you in here after what you did. What do you want Travis?" I replied, my good mood automatically disappearing while I felt Harry tense up next to me.

"An apology."

"An apology for what?" I scoffed.

"For publicly humiliating me when you punched me...both times."

"She's not apologising for your lack of self control so back the hell away from from her before I kick your ass like I should've done a long time ago." Harry snapped.

"Shut up bodyguard boy, I'm not the one who was fired for fucking the presidents daughter." Travis sneered at Harry.

Harry then stepped forward and grabbed onto to Travis' arm before leaning in to speak in his ear.

"Guess what ass hat, my conscience is clear. I'm on her parents good side again, I have my job back, and I'm still dating the presidents daughter. So who's really the one at a loss here, because it sure as hell isn't me."

Travis clenched his jaw.

"If I ever see you again, i'll make you feel so much pain you'll wish you were dead."

Harry then let go of Travis' arm and Travis stepped away from him.

"Don't come near Emma again. Do I make myself clear?"

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