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happy update!

long time no see, i know, but i'm here!

no explanation really for my absence, but i'm back! i also have the next few chapters pre-written so updates should be much faster!

i won't be doing the sneak peaks this chapter, but i will do them for the next one! so be watching my page for the question!

okay, i'll let you get to it, this chapter is a dozy...buckle up bitches, shit just got real!

enjoy ;)

It was a pain Harry had never felt before.

Emma was gone.

He had run past the man who came to tell him the news. Sprinting down the hall, he ran past the elevator. No, he couldn't take that, he wouldn't be able to stay still for that long. Instead he ran to the stairs, taking them as fast as he could, it was almost as if his feet didn't even touch the ground.

Once he got to the first floor he flew out of the stairwell and through the lobby of the building. He busted through the double doors and to the parking lot, looking for the first car that had an agent in it that would be able to take him to the scene.

He found one, diving into the passenger side.

"I need you to go to the accident!" Harry shouted.

"What accident?!" The man driving the car looked panicked.

"You know which one!" Harry shouted back at him.

The driver nodded his head before screeching out of the parking lot, leaving tire marks on the pavement.

Even though the driver was going 20 miles over the speed limit, he wasn't going fast enough for Harry. Harry was panicking. His heart was racing, he also felt like he might throw up.

He knew the RR had to be behind this.

The RR had done this to Emma.

By the time they got close to the accident scene, there was so much traffic on the surrounding streets since it was shut down, the car was at a standstill.

Harry couldn't stand it, and flung open the car door and ran into the street. He was only a few blocks away.

He didn't even bother the shut the car door behind him, he just ran.

When he arrived closer to the intersection, he could smell the smoke. It burned his nose and eyes, but his eyes had already been stinging from the horrible thoughts running through his head.

He pushed past barriers and people in uniforms, until he arrived at the intersection where the accident happened, and he knew it was the correct intersection because the wreckage of a black Lincoln town car was smouldering in the middle of the street.

The car was barely recognizable. Pieces of it
lay in the street while the rest of it burned.

"Emma." He choked out.

Two officers on the scene saw Harry and moved to get him off the scene, but Harry pushed past them, running toward the car.

As he got closer, he could see little shreds of sage green fabric among the burnt pieces of the car.

A pain unlike Harry had ever felt pierced his heart and he dropped to his knees in the middle of the intersection by the inferno blazing before him.

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