Chapter 10... Amnesia

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3 hours later...

Mark woke up to find Dark driving up front with him while Nate was with everyone else in the back, still passed out. "You're awake, Mark." Dark said to him. "I could say the same to you, what happened in those woods?" Mark asked. "I had to get the job done, so I hypnotized Anti so he would kill someone, so he would return to normal, but it appears he isn't yet. What happened while I was out?" Dark asked. "Well, Anti is back to normal, but this is a side effect to the Demonic Plague, he's basically asleep, but he can do shit still, as you can see by my back being all clawed up." Mark explained. "Yeah, Anti got you good. He sliced you without you knowing it, that takes skill, and he's technically asleep, so that's pretty ironic." Nate said in the back. "You know you snapped at Jack, pinning him to the floor?" Mark told Dark. "Oh, my god. He hates me now, doesn't he?" Dark asked. "No, he understands you weren't in your right mind at the time. But it was pretty scary, your eyes were glowing blood red. You looked like you wanted to kill him, honestly." Mark said. "Yeah, you just had one thing on your mind, and that was to kill Jack." Nate said. Dark started to tense up to the point that the veins in his neck were popping out.

10 minutes of awkward silence later...

Everyone was asleep except for Dark who was driving, but Dark started to glow red once again and he sped up the car right before a huge bump, waking only Nate, who switched places with Mark about 10 minutes ago. "Dude, what are you doing speeding like that? You could get us killed." Nate said. Dark sped up faster when he said that. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Nate yelled. Dark's red glow faded away and his eyes returned to normal and pushed on the brakes, nearly crashing the car. "What the fuck were you thinking?!" Nate yelled at him. "I- I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly, what did I just do?" Dark asked with concern. "You were going like 100 mph and you weren't gonna stop. And when I warned you, you sped up more!" Nate said angrily. "It's not my fucking fault! I'm going through something that you have no clue about, so I don't want to fucking hear it!" Dark shouted. Nate suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his neck. "FUCK! What was that?!" Nate screamed. "What's wrong?" Dark asked. "Anti, that's what's wrong. He jabbed me in the back of the neck!" Nate said. Anti let out a scream, waking everyone up instantly. "What the fuck happened?!" Luke, Liam, Felix, and Mark said. "It's Anti, I think he's coming to." Nate said. "Finally, it's about time." Jack said jokingly. "3 of you need to get to the back with him, right now. He's gonna try to fight you, but he doesn't mean it, he's basically going to be in a hallucination state for... I don't know, it could only last a few minutes or it could last a couple hours, it's different for everyone." Nate explained. Dark, Mark, and Luke got in the back with Anti waiting for him to fully wake up while Scarlett took the wheel. "Keep driving no matter what, okay Scarlett? Everyone else get some rest, okay" Mark said. The others nodded their head in agreement. "Okay, no problem." Scarlett responded.

3 minutes later...

Anti opened his eyes, his eyes were still a deep red color. "Okay, here we go, be ready guys." Mark said. All 3 of them started to lightly put their hands over Anti's wrist for precaution, but he was surprisingly calm, for a moment at least. Anti slipped his hands out of their grasp and grabbed Dark and pinned him against the wall of the van. "A little help?! He's digging his... claws into my arms?" Dark said in shock. "Why does he have claws instead of nails?" Luke asked. "That's part of this. When he started to turn back to normal, he can still possess some of those demonic features, and they usually disappear by the time this phase is over." Nate said from the front. Mark and Luke pull Anti off of Dark and they hold him to the floor. Anti managed to slip one of his hands free enough to claw Mark's chest. "Ow, FUCK! How sharp are those things?!" Mark yelled. "Enough to make you bleed apparently." Dark said sarcastically. "Why don't you get clawed then?!" Mark yelled. Dark lifted up his shirt, revealing his slashed chest from when they were at the house, it's still not completely healed. "Oh, I- I'm sorry, Dark. I completely forgot about what you went through." Mark said apologetically. "It's fine, let's just do this." Dark said. "Why is he so hard on you guys? All he did to me is knocked me out, and I don't think he did anything to Liam." Luke said. "I have no idea why." Mark said. Anti found an opportunity to get free, and he took it. He got himself free from their grasp once again and went for Luke, pinning him against the wall by his shoulders with his claws sunk into them. "Fuck, I regret asking now!" Luke said while wincing in pain. Anti's eyes turned back to the gray color they usually are and looked at Luke with shock and regret.

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