Ch. 26

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*Annabelle's POV*

*8 months later*

I walked in the house, so glad to be home from Haley's. It had only been a few hours, but I missed my boys.

I threw my purse on the couch and looked around. Baby toys everywhere. I sighed. I hated cleaning. I walked upstairs and into my bedroom. Austin lay on the bed asleep. Jameson was on Austin's chest asleep also. I smiled and walked over to them. I picked up Jameson and he made cute little sounds. He curled up into my chest and I kissed his head. I took him into his room and layed him in his crib.

"Goodnight, handsome man." I whispered.

I smiled at him and covered him up. He curled up and put his little butt up in the air.

I grabbed the monitor and went back into my room. Austin was still fast asleep. I went to the closet and slipped out of my jeans. I put on a baggy tshirt. I crawled into bed with Austin and layed my head on his chest. He put his arm around me.

I looked up at him. "Did I wake you?"

He shook his head. He stretched his legs and rubbed his eyes. "Is it possible to be this tired?"

I laughed and sat up. I sat Indian style and held his hand. "I feel like I haven't slept in so long."

Austin looked over at me and smiled.

"What?" I said, smiling.

"You're pretty." Austin said. He put his hand on my thigh and winked at me.

"Oh yeah?"

He sat up and kissed me. "Yeah." He looked me over. "Ya know, I love it when you don't wear pants."

I smiled and shook my head. "Dork."

He kissed me again and ran his hand up my thigh and slipped his fingers into the elastic of my underwear. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes.

"You're so beautiful." He said. He pulled my shirt off and kissed my chest.

I closed my eyes and layed back.

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