Part 11:The Past

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The air in New York seemed to be full of opportunities, just waiting to be grabbed on to and explored to one's heart's content. But Noora wasn't here to wax poetic  about NYC and its magic, she was here to close the door on her Past. Once and for all. And that's exactly why she found herself standing at the door that would lead to her parent's room in one of the most famous hospitals of NYC.

Ugh! Just the thought of seeing her parents makes her break out in a cold sweat. Let alone the iron grip she had on poor William's hand. Oh yes, William has decided to accompany her as she visited her bedridden parents. And in the deepest part of her subconscious, she knew that she was using William as a crutch, a safety net in preparation of the vile poison that lay on the other side of that door.

Maybe it was the pale, freaked out expression on her face that made people, nurses and doctors, bypass their two men island as they went about their day, having no idea of how a 20 year old was almost being crippled with doubts. Atleast she had William who kept squeezing her hand to offer her comfort or maybe it's because her hold was cutting of his blood flow, but irregardless of the reason, she was relieved to have him here. She was a big fool to have thought she could handle this on her own, and Noora especially hates being one. 

With a deep and purifying inhalation, she walked forward, pushed the door open, and came face to face with two of the most hated people she could ever think of.


Noora was freaking the fuck out, William could make that much out. Her pulse was beating rapidly and her face had become devoid of any emotion. In all honesty, it simultaneously scared the hell out of him as well piss the fuck out of him. His Noora was the strongest person he'd ever known. And to have that wonderful creature reduced to this shadow of herself, made him realize how cruel one could actually be.

"Noora? Is that you? Alexander, your daughter has finally arrived," Noora's mom, announced almost condescendingly to the only other occupant in their room, her father.

"Yes, I can very well see that, Anna." A silver haired handsome man spoke up, quite coldly in William's opinion. Too coldly in fact, for a parent who has come across their only child in five fucking years. He wished Noora was close enough that he could hug her, take away her pain, that he was sure she was feeling.

 "I'm sure you are here because your Mother called and not because of genuine concern? You never really did care about us did you? Ah! I guess it does serve us right, having a daughter as fragile as you."

Noora's fists were so tightly clenched that he feared she would hurt herself. Just as he was taking a step towards her, he saw her look up and look directly at the same green eyes that she had and ones that he had spent quite a lot of time getting lost in, set in withered but a sharp face that reeked of coldness.

"Yes, I guess it does serve you right for having treated your daughter like a possession and not a child, oh, who am I kidding? Or even a human with feelings."

Suddenly a high pitched but sophisticated voice joined the conversation

"Looks like Noora you've still got some growing up to do. And might I remind you, this is in no way becoming of you, to speak to your father like this. I guess, that's what happens when you run away from home to join some hippies, you called your friends."

Noora's mother didn't even deign to give her attention to her daughter, since she said all this as she flipped through a magazine. Her eyes reading every word intently as her words cut Noora down to her bone.

"You know what? This, right here, my fault. For having even the tiniest hope that you both would've changed. Seen something outside the narrow span of your vision, so that you could realize where you went wrong. But no, once again, I have let myself turn into the 15 year old who begged for any scrap of attention you would feed her. I'm done, Mother. You and Father, can keep whatever reason you needed me to come out all the way here for, to your holier-than-thou selves."

"Noora, I see the world hasn't been too kind to you since this sort of garbage spewing out of your mouth is very, very upsetting. I hope you will remember how to be a lady when you come back tomorrow for our meeting as scheduled."

This was said by Alexander as he glanced out of the window next to him, an emotionless mask making his already ruthless face even more unforgiving. Having had enough of this torture, he grabbed Noora's trembling hand and made his way out of the sterile room and then out of the damn hospital. He could see she was nearing her breaking point and quickly pulled her along to the hotel that they were staying in. Thankfully, it was just a few minutes away.


As soon as the door closed behind her, Noora's carefully held together restraint snapped, and her tears came unbidden. She was vaguely aware of William picking her up then placing her on the bed. Her hands covered her entire face but the sobs weren't possible to cover. The soothing rocking motion that William was making with her on his lap, made her cry even harder.

His arms felt Like nothing could harm her. Not even her evil parents. But those unfeeling, insensitive words that were exchanged in the hospital room still rang in her ears, bringing back memories that she had tried her hardest to keep under lock and key. But they all came flowing back. One after the other. The rejections, the ignorance, the clinical feel of her childhood it all came rushing back. Pummeling her vulnerable self.

But through it all, the only thing keeping her in the present was him. William, her Wilhelm, the one who'd also made her feel small, unimportant, hurt her, things she'd promised she'd never feel again after her parents. Yet she had. With him. Could she forgive him? Maybe. 

But right now, Noora was in no state of mind to ponder this question, so with a final sniffle that marked the end of her crying bout, she gently extracted herself from his hold and got up. Her legs felt like jelly and more so when she saw the anguish on his face. It nearly made her cry again. But she held strong and with a forced smile she hugged him and thanked him for being there for her.

She also held strong when William almost reluctantly bid her goodbye and left the suite, making his way to his own room, down the corridor; though her heart willed her to stop him so she could jump into his arms and feel loved again, even for a little while.

But that's what had gotten her into this very mess: Love.


A/N: I'm so sorry for this late update. I know I suck and I apologize for that, it's just in my nature, I really can't help it. So thank you, for waiting it out and don't worry Noorhelm will get the beautiful ending they deserve. 

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