When I felt someone’s breath fan across my neck, followed by a voice whispering “Jacklyne” over and over again, I jolted awake to see Alan crouched beside my bed. As soon as he saw me awake, a huge smile spread across his face as he thrust a fist into the air. “She’s awake!”” He cheered.
I sat up against the pillows and rolled my eyes, “You’re an idiot.” I muttered bitterly, glaring over at him. “Why couldn’t you just let me sleep?”
“Because it’s time to go shopping, silly.”
I sighed and nodded, rolling off the bed and climbing to my feet. “You know, I have a shit ton of blood stains on the back of my shirt..” I murmured, pointing to the back of my head as if reminding him about my injury. “Mind if I borrow one of yours?” I asked sheepishly.
Alan nodded, “Yeah, I’ll be back.” He said before walking over in the direction of what appeared to be his room. Moments later, he returned and threw a shirt in my direction and continued to linger in my room.
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Alan, I need to change, could you leave?”
“It’s nothing that I haven’t seen before.” He shrugged.
My eyes grew wide in alarm and surprise, “Excuse me?”
Alan shook his head quickly, “I was kidding! Go change.” He muttered before exiting the room again.
****Alan’s POV***
As soon as Jacklyne’s door slammed shut behind me, I mentally cursed myself. Whenever I looked at her all I could see was Savannah. They looked identical, and if it weren’t for Savannah being dead, I would’ve mistaken Jacklyne for her. Stupid comments like “It’s nothing that I haven’t seen before” may lead to Jacklyne becoming afraid of me. I didn’t want that to happen, because as weird as it sounded, it was like a little piece of Savannah was in her, and I wanted it all to myself.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the door open behind me, revealing Jacklyne in the shirt I gave her not moments before. It was quite long on her, due to the obvious height difference between us. I was startled by a cough, causing me to look directly at Jacklyne, the look on her face urging me to stop eyeing her up. My face heated up in embarrassment. “Uhm, you ready to go?”
She simply nodded and began down the hall, causing me to follow. I grabbed my keys off the counter and held the front door open for her before unlocking the car. She immediately jumped into the passenger seat, and I the drivers seat. The car rumbled to life and we were off in a matter of seconds.
“I’m just going to take you to the mall, since I’m expecting you not to remember any of your favourite stores.” I remarked, the sentence coming off way more harsh than I had expected, and intended, it to be. The look on her face proved that she was, in fact, hurt by my outburst. I quickly apologized but she acted as if she didn’t hear it, or was just ignoring me as she remained silent.
“Jacklyne.” I spoke up after a long while of silence. I could see her staring at me from the corner of her eyes at the sound of her name. Well, the name that I had given her - proving that she was catching on fairly quickly. Although I was expecting otherwise, she remained silent. I frowned and focused on the road, trying to push the thought of me upsetting her to the far corners of my mind.
It wasn’t until we were inside the mall when she actually spoke. We were in the local Hot Topic store, rummaging through shirts. It was mainly for me, though, since I doubted Jacklyne would recognize any of the bands, or shows, or games etcetera that had their logos or specific designs splayed across various products.
****Jacklyne’s POV****
While shopping, very few things caught my eye, and because of that, Alan began to throw whatever he liked, or whatever he thought I would look good in, paying no mind to how I would feel in them. I didn’t complain, however, it was his money and he was nice enough to do this for me, so I resorted to trying everything on. Afterwards, I handed him everything I liked for the most part - with the exception of anything that was priced over $25 as I didn’t want him to waste that much money on me, rich or not.
Soon enough, they were lugging multiple, massive bags out of the mall and towards the car. We took our seats again and I muttered a small thank you as we drove back to th house in silence.
I was never a fan of silence unless it was a comfortable silence - or a silence that was meant to be there, like the silent treatment, but that was only fun when you were the one torturing the other by remaining quiet.
Beginning to shift uncomfortably in my seat, I stared blankly out of the window to my right, hoping and praying that Alan would soon decide to speak, as my mind was blank of topics that the two of us could possibly talk about, but still, the entire ride back was in silence.
“Do you want me to go out and get taco bell?” Alan asked as he closed the front door of the house.
I wasn’t familiar with the place due to the memory loss that I went through, but nodded anyway. I knew what tacos were, thankfully, so I knew that I wouldn’t be eating something foreign to me. “Buy me whatever you want.” I muttered, throwing myself on the couch.
Alan simply nodded and pointed to the remote on the table. “We have Netlfix.” He stated, earning a confused look on my part, urging him to explain.
“It’s a program that lets you watch a bunch of television shows and movies. Just pick something random and I’ll be back in twenty minutes tops.” He sighed, starting up Netflix and handing me what he said to be a Wii remote.
I scrolled through the suggested shows at least ten times before deciding to watch Supernatural, as the plot seemed to stand out to me. Within minutes, I was in tears, and it was at that moment that Alan decided to make his grand appearance.
He shot me a confused look as he set the bag of food on the counter. “What’s wrong?” He asked, obviously trying to hide the concern in his voice.
“T-This show!” I choked, burying myself under the blanket that I had wrapped around me. “It’s so sad!”
Alan rolled his eyes and laughed, grabbing the food and throwing a burrito at me. I emerged out from underneath the covers and quickly unwrapped the food, shoving a quarter of it in my mouth after pausing the show. “This is so good.” I groaned, finishing the entire thing in less than a minute.
The other simply nodded and sat his food down on his lap. “I got the pain medication that the doctor prescribed for you while I was out. You just need to take them before you go to sleep, so nothing to worry about right now.” He mumbled, his voice muffled by the vast amount of food in his mouth.
Once they finished their food, Alan got up and threw away the trash. “I’m going to give you your medication now. Do you want to watch whatever the fuck you were watching before?” He asked, handing me a pill and a glass of water.
I took them gratefully and nodded, “Yeah, sure.” I smiled, moving so that I was sitting beside him and facing the tv. I unpaused the show and wrapped myself in the blanket again. In no time, my eyes shut and I fell asleep.
A/N: Filler chapter oops sorry

Another You // Alan Ashby {discontinued}
FanficAfter waking up in the middle of no where, a memory lost Fallon is taken under the wing of a man that identifies himself as Alan, who gives her the new name of Jacklyne. During his childhood, Alan had a friend named Savannah, and as soon as he laid...