Chapter 1:

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Sitting outside Doctor Halsey's office, i look up at Keshun, Kelton, and Jack. "Well, looks like it's over for us guys. They are sending us home." Kelton says sighing, "What? What do you mean? We completed the objective!" Jack says. "Yeah but we also put two other trainee groups in the med wing in the process, what the heck were you thinking?" Keshun asks him. "They were in the way of getting to the objective" Jack says glaring at Keshun. "They were our teammates" i say standing up and shoving Jack into the wall "you telling me you would sacrifice your team if they are in the way?" I ask, pinning him to the wall. "The mission is the only thing that matters, now let me go" Jack says looking me in the eyes, "no Jack, your team is more important than the mission. Our responsibility as a team is to watch each other's backs" i say releasing him and turning away.

As I turn my back Jack slams into me from behind shoving me forward into the wall, turning around and glaring at him. "Dakota our jobs as soldiers is to complete the mission" Jack says as his fist arcs toward my jaw from below, stepping to the side i grab his arm and pin it between my body and arm, flipping him over my shoulder and slamming him onto the ground. "Jack as the leader of this team, i am ordering you to stand down before i hurt you" I say as pinning his am behind his back.

"What in the devil is going on here? Trainee Dakota get off of Jack. Now!" says a woman's voice. Getting to my feet and releasing Jack i fall into line beside Kelton and Keshaun. "Team leader why did you have your team member pinned to the ground?" Spartan Palmer asks. "Ma'am he rushed me from behind, i pinned him and ordered him to stand down" i say. "Very well then team leader. You' she says pointing to Jack 'get inside and sit down, the rest of you at ease" she says motioning for us to go inside.

Relaxing Kelton, Keshun, and I step through the door into the office and stand at attention across from Doctor Halsey "At ease soldiers. Team leader, would you please explain why one of your team members put two other trainee teams in the medical wing?" Doctor Halsey says looking at me. "Ma'am before the exercise began I gave my team the order to capture the objective with as few casualties as possible, our team or otherwise. When the exercise was in progress, trainee Kelton was hit, i gave the order to the team to fall back and give him cover fire, Trainee Jack ignored the order and charged the other teams, dropping his weapon and using his fist's to force them into submission." i say as Keshun and kelton nod beside me.

"I see, and i hear this is not the first time Trainee Jacl has defied his team leader's instructions. Is this true trainee Jack?" she asks turning her attention to him, "ma'am all due respect, the objective was to capture the enemy's flag, i completed the objective, and eliminated the enemy team" Jack replies.

"Yes you did trainee, however, you defied your team leader's orders and ended up putting two other trainee teams in the medical wing. That is not what a soldier does, a soldier follows his leader's instructions, especially if one of his fellow soldiers is injured, Trainee Jack you are dismissed, you are to return to your dorm and pack your things, i will not allow someone who disobeys orders to continue training here" Doctor Halsey says.

As jack leaves the room and the door closes behind him the Doctor turns back to Kelton, Keshun, and I. "You three, you are something else, every exercise you participate in you win, and you do it without losing a single teammate or causing actual damage to the enemy team. That is quite impressive' she says turning to spartan palmer, 'Palmer would you be so kind as to call trainee Eva in? I would like her to meet her new team" nodding to the Doctor, palmer steps out and returns a few moments later with a girl who comes up to my shoulder.

"Trainees Dakota, Kelton, and Keshun, i would like you to meet trainee Eva, Eva meet your new team" the Doctor says, "Nice to meet you Eva, I'm dakota" i say, walking over to her and holding out my hand, "Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you all" Eva says smiling at us. "Now then, we are accelerating your training, you will be facing the instructors tomorrow, Now go back to your dorm, help Eva get settled" the Doctor says, "Oh and also your team name has been decided. It's a pleasure to meet you Team Carnage" she says as we salute her and walk out of the office.

Walking out of the administration building i let out a breath i hadn't realized i'd been holding, "So, Eva what happened to your last team?" Keshun asks, "Oh, umm..they didn't like me very much, i was always contradicting my team leaders plan and pointing out the flaws" she says looking down. "Well feel free to voice your opinion if you think there's a flaw in any of my plans, we are a team, we all get a say in the plan" i say looking over at her and smiling. "Yeah we all have input on what our plan is" Kelton says from beside Keshun.

As we approach the dorm building i notice Jack walking towards us, holding up my hand we stop walking. "Dakota! You got me expelled you are gonna pay"Jack says walking up to us and stopping a few feet away, "Jack calm down, Doctor Halsey decided to expel you, not me" i say, "who's that?" Eva asks, "That's Jack, the guy who's place you took" Keshun says to her from behind me.

"What? You mean you replaced me with this little girl?" Jack says looking at Eva and pulling out a knife as he takes a step towards her, "when i'm done with her i swe.." stepping between Eva and Jack "you won't do a thing to her Jack, you are no longer a student here, i don't have to try not to hurt you, now drop the knife and walk away" i say to him

"Or i can use the knife on you" Jack says as he charges and swings the knife aiming for my neck, stepping to the side i reach up and grab his wrist, forcing his arm up i slam my fist into his ribcage causing him to double over and drop the knife, as he leans over clutching his chest my leg snaps out and smash's into his nose,dazing him and causing him to fall back. "Jack if you threaten a member of my Team again, i will kill you" i say kicking him in the side of the head and motioning for the other to follow me as i walk into the dorm.

"Jesus he had a knife, What the heck is with that guy?" Eva asks as we walk into our dorm room and shutting and locking the door. "He is a freaking psycho" i say walking over and sitting on the bed."don't worry, you're a member of my team now, i won't let them anyone hurt you" i say, Looking up at Eva. "yeah, Thanks Dakota." she says smiling. "Guys, Doctor Halsey said we are facing the instructors tomorrow, why is our training being advanced so far?" Kelton asks. "I have a feeling it's a test for something big, maybe even our first real mission" Eva says with a smile. "Yeah maybe, let's worry about it after the test, lights out Carnage" i say clapping and laying down in my bed. "We have a long day ahead of us" i say before closing my eyes and falling asleep

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