Chapter 3: Final test

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Walking into the situation room, the team forms a circle around the console in the center of the room as a holographic version of Spartan palmer pops up on the console. "Teams, for this Exercise you will be facing your instructor's. The objective is to eliminate the instructors,and secure the cargo in the base, however the cargo is guarded by the enemy's advanced unit" the Ai says as a holographic image of a spartan in pure black armour comes on screen. "The guard is a spartan,take them out before securing the cargo" the Ai says as it shuts off.

"Shit we have to take on a spartan? How the hell are we gonna win this?" Oscar says looking at Bryan, "i don't have a clue, Dakota?" Bryan says turning to me. "We know the Spartan is inside with the cargo, so let's focus on taking out the people outside first, face the spartan when we get inside, together." i say looking at my team, as they nod. Turning to Saviour, "agreed?" i ask, as they nod i smile and turn to the wall looking at what we have to work with. "Hmm Saviour you guys grab what you want, Carnage, you know what you work best with, grab it and let's go" i say reaching out and grabbing a dmr loaded with splat pellets.

"Carnage use frequency  375.054 on the radio if  you need to get ahold of us" Bryan says as Saviour team runs out onto the Field, "allright Saviour team is taking the left half, we take the right, Keshun take out any snipers you find, Kelton, Eva, on me we are going straight up the middle, stay close, give each other cover fire, we are a team we win like one" i say as we step through the door and bring my DMR to bear.

"Carnage Team this is Saviour two, i have you in my sights Saviour leader had me hang back and provide cover fire" i hear as my comlink comes to life, "Roger that Saviour two, send Carnage two your location so he can come and keep ya company" i say into the comlink, "sending location now, Saviour two out" Laken says as another set of four green arrows come to life in my  hud.

"Carnage two get up there and keep her company" i say into the comlink, motioning the rest of Carnage team to move up as i jump over top of the crate i was using for cover and dive behind a concrete barrier. "Understood Carnage leader" i hear as a grenade explodes under the crate i had been using for cover moments ago.

"Anyone get a bead on where that grenade came from?" i shout into the comlink. "Negative Carnage leader, is came of of thin air" i hear Keshun say. "Shit that means active camo, Carnage two inform Saviour team that the instructors have active camo" i say into the comlink as a grenade hits the ground beside me, "Carnage team cover now!" i shout into the comlink, picking up the grenade and tossing it back over my cover

As the grenade explodes i smile as the counter on my hud drops by 4. "Four down team, 21 remaining" i say over the comlink."scratch 5 more carnage team" Saviour leader says into the comlink as the counter drops to 16 "Make that 9 remaining Carnage leader" i hear laken say over coms as there's the puff of snipers and  the counter drops to nine,"nice going Saviour team"

Looking at the mission clock i key open the comlink, "Saviour team let's meet in the middle and charge through together that way our snipers can take em out"i say into the comlink,"i agree Carnage leader, Saviour team you heard him double time to the middle lane" Bryan says

As we meet with Saviour team, Bryan and i nod to each other and charge out through the middle, as we round the corner of the crates we had been using as cover the remaining instructors camo drops, droping them one by one as we open fire, picking off the stragglers as we make our way to the main base.

"Carnage team you go on ahead. Saviour is gonna hole up out here" Bryan says nodding to me. "Right you heard him Carnage team, let's go take on a Spartan" i say as Kelton steps through the door and is hit in the chest by a spray of splat pellets.

Diving to the nearest cover i grab Kelton and drag him behind the crate i had been using for cover, and prop him against it. "Kelton wake up" i say smacking him until his eyes flutter open. "good solider. now come on. lets show that Spartan what Carnage team can do"I say helping him to his feet and handing him his shotgun.
Reaching up and activating the com link I connect to my teams coms. "Carnage team. lets have us a game of lights out." I say connecting to Saviour teams coms. "aye Saviour mind hacking into the pa and starting up some ass kicking music?" I say. "Already hacked in Carnage leader. music starts in 5." I hear Saviour 1 say as queen comes on over the Pa.
"Alright Carnage team. lets show them why we are called Carnage" i say into the com as Carnage 2 opens fire and knocks the lights out in the room. "Carnage switch to manual vision" i say shutting off the Helmets HUD. and stepping into the room.

Stepping into the room, i dive to the right, as a spray of bullets fills the space i was just at, "Shit, watch your backs carnage, it looks like instructor palmer isnt gonna take it easy on us" I say, flicking my visor to tracking mode and peeking over my cover looking for Palmer.

"Carnage leader, i have eyes on Palmer, she seems to be distracted" keshun says over comes, "im gonna move up and try to secure her" "Keshun stand down, wait for the squad" i yell, too late I realize as i hear a grunt of pain and a thud, looking over my cover and seeing Instructor palmer pinning Keshun to the ground under her boot.

"Shit, team move up and cover me while i recover keshun, we leave no one" i shout into the com, jumping over the crate i was using for cover and running forwards as eva and kelton open fire on Spartan palmer. Using the momentary distraction to my advantage, i dive and tackle Palmer off of Keshun and leveling my rifle under her chin."Surrender Spartan, at this range the splat bullet will actually do some damage" i say, glaring into her visor.

After a moment of silence, instructor palmer starts laughing, "alright alright you win Carnage and saviour teams. Congrats you passed, Now get the hell off of me Carnage leader" she says laughing as i get uo and help her and keshun to their feet. "Congrats teams your in the ranks of spartens now. We will give you all time to pack up your belonging" Spartan Palmer says as we all clap eachother on the back.

"Actually spartan palmer, im affraid they dont Have just recieved a report from ONI. Looks like Carnage and Saviour ciour teams have their first misson." A voice says behind us, snaping too attebtion and turning to director halsey as she enter the training room. "At ease Teams, your official spartans now. You dont have to treat me as a commander." She says with a grin at the corner of her mouth. 

"Maam, yes maam."we all shout in unision before relaxing our stances. "Maam, if i may ask, what is the mission? And are you sure you want to send us? We only just graduated" Bryan says from beside me. "Well the reason i chose you all id because the mission is practicallu designed for your teams. Come along. Lets get you out of your marine armour and into your official Spartan armour." Director halsey says as she leads us all out of the training room and to the armoury.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2018 ⏰

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