Chapter 2: Saviour Team

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Waking up, i look around the room and notice the others are still asleep, glancing at the clock i see it’s only 5:30. Getting up and walking to the bathroom, turning the shower on i quickly wash my body and hair. Stepping out of the shower i grab a towel and walk over to my dresser pulling on my new uniform, a pure black bodysuit with bloody purple colored edges.

Pulling on the suit i walk over and wake up Eva, “hey, Eva wake up, you get the shower second” i say slowly shaking her awake. “What do you mean?”she says sitting up and rubbing her eyes, “i said go get a shower, i woke you up before the others, you go shower i’m gonna work on getting everyone's clothes out and ready’ i say handing her her new uniform, ‘heres your uniform” i say smiling,

“Thanks Dakota” she says getting up and going into the bathroom and turning the shower on, “playing nice with the new girl eh?” Kelton says, turning around i see him smiling at me in his uniform already. “Yeah, she deserves it, have you read the file on her?” i ask, pulling up her file and handing him the tablet.

“She had a shit child hood, lost her parents to a group of brutes,watched as the brute tore them apart in front of her, we are her family now, we will protect her” i say walking over and shaking Keshun awake. “Keshun get up and get dressed” i say, Throwing his suit at him. Catching it he sits up and smiles. “We going for a morning training session again Boss?” he says, grinning at me.

“Don’t we do it everyday soldier? Why would today be any different” i say with a grin as Eva steps out of the bathroom. “Hey could one of you zip me up? I can’t reach the zipper” she says. Walking over behind her and zipping up the back of her suit. “Alright team we still have 3 hours before the mess hall opens for breakfast, let’s get a good run in” i say walking over and opening the door. “Carnage team, let’s move”

“Are you sure they are ready Doctor? What if it kills them?” Spartan Palmer asks standing beside the Doctor and watching As Carnage team heads outside and begins their morning their morning run. “Palmer if they aren’t ready then we have failed. Also i want you in the exercise today, if they take you out then they are ready” Halsey says turning in her seat and smiling at Spartan Palmer. “As you wish Ma’am.” Palmer says turning and walking out of the office to the field for today’s exercise.

“Alright Team, Good run, let's get to the mess hall” i say as we turn and jog the five miles back to the mess hall. Walking into the mess hall and grabbing a tray of food, i turn and scan the room trying to spot our friends, finding them and Walking over we take a seat at the table with Bryan, Laken, Marina, and Oscar, the group Everyone refers to as Savior Team, “Hey guys” i say taking a seat beside Bryan, “oh Shit look who it is’ standing up and shouting, ‘Everyone attention please, Can we get a round of applause for Team Carnage” Bryan says, sitting back down,  as everyone in the mess hall claps. “For real tho congrats on becoming a team’ Bryan says with a smile ‘and sick suits” Oscar adds.

“Haha thanks guys,oh say Savior team, i would like you to meet Eva, our replacement for Jack” i say smiling and nodding at Eva. “pleasure to meet you Eva, we’re Savior team, we are the ones called in to save your ass if you are in trouble” Laken says, Causing everyone at the table to laugh,”if i remember correctly last time we saved your ass” Kelton says smiling. “Yeah but normally the situation is reversed” Marina says smiling at us. “We save each other Equal amounts” Oscar says laughing.

“Damn straight.” i say laughing with them. “So what happened last night?” Bryan asks looking at me. “Yeah we heard Jack attacked you with a knife” Laken says. “Really? Words already spread? Lord how does anything around here stay secret?” i say with a sigh. “Yeah he came at us, when he found out Eva was Replacing him he pulled the knife and charged her, so i stepped in and when i did Jack took a swing at me with the knife. When he did i grabbed him and broke his wrist.” i say as i finish my food.

“Well good riddance i say, it's amazing he even got through the mental screening process.” Kelton says as the intercom comes to life. “Teams Carnage and Saviour, report to the exercise field” it says before dying again. Looking at everyone at the table i smile and hold my hand out, “to friendship, and good teamwork” i say as everyone piles their hand on top of mine, “first rounds on Keshun after” Kelton says as we all break apart and laugh. “Yeah sure thing bud” Keshun says as we all dump our trays. “Come on guys let’s go find out what the test is” i say as we all leave the mess hall and jog the few miles to the Exercise Field

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