Believe the legend? Beware the wolf?
Fear the legend. Beware the red hood.
Stories of the innocent fairy tale "The Red Riding Hood" has become really famous and even survived the test of time here in the modern world. A story about a little gir...
Coraline followed the sounds of screaming and pointless battle cries, holding an axe on her hand that she got from the shed. She passed through many dead men wearing armor.
Foot soldiers, barely suited for this kind of confrontation. She thought, almost feeling sorry for them.
The werewolf quickly stood on its two hind legs, dropping the severed limbs that it's holding on both hands and the one in its mouth. A rushed sensation of panic and irritation overwhelmed it. Quickly turning around after smelling a familiar scent. It was struck with confusion, did its nose deceive it? The werewolf was sure it had smell the scent of another werewolf but what stood there was a young girl, wearing a crimson pelt while holding a woodcutting axe.
Getting down and walking in all fours, the werewolf circles around her and immediately Pounces after seeing a blind spot, but Coraline was quick to react and swings her axe as a respond. That however proved to be a fatal mistake, as the werewolf changes trajectory and lands on the ground mid pounce, kicking some dirt in Coraline's eyes.
She stumbles back, rubbing her eyes with her dirty hand which made things only worse.
"Argh! Get off me!"
The werewolf pins Coraline to the ground by holding her shoulders, its beastly, hairy, human like hands shaking with excitement. Its claws starts to dig deep inside Coraline's flesh as the grip got even tighter.
"Get off!"
The werewolf then buries its jaws in Coraline's neck, blood spraying and gushing down her body. She starts panicking and tries to kick the ravenous beast, but its feet are pressing down on her legs.
She's losing so much blood that her once white dress has now turned into a dark shade of red.
Nearly standing at death's doorstep, in utter desperation, functioning solely on instinct. Coraline bites a chunk of meat from the werewolf's neck.
Howling in pain, it jumps away and makes a hastily retreat.
"You're not getting away!"
Grabbing her axe from the ground, she hurls it to the werewolf and lands it on the back. She could hear some of the bones getting crushed as it buries deep right next to the shoulder blades.
The werewolf tries to reach and remove the object causing it pain, but falls hard face front on the ground after Coraline kicks the beast on the back. She stands on its back and pulls out the axe, before the werewolf could look around, its right arm had already been separated from its body. Blood sprayed the ground, followed by the agonizing screams of an animal that sounds like its being tortured. It tried moving its legs to get out of this situation but they could do nothing but tremble as the werewolf watch the next moments unfold.
Coraline raised her axe and with a swift vertical motion she splits the werewolf's skull in half, spraying blood all over her face.
She paused for a moment, wiping the blood off her eyes, and slowly pulls out the axe. The sound of the metal being pulled as it grind against the bones, making this slurping noise as some of the meat inside the brain gets pulled out along with the axe.
With the last of the werewolves slain, the night fell silent. The cold breeze blowing pass Coraline's blood stained hair and blood spattered face soothed her trembling nerves.
The small quaint town that has never even seen a proper sword fight most of their lives suddenly became a battlefield. No longer it's warm and welcoming atmosphere present as it was violently replaced by a cold malevolent air. The rusted smell of iron and salt from the blood of the corpses that littered the streets were blown with the wind. It's sickening smell enough to churn anyone's stomach contents to those who are foreign to its bone chilling aroma.
Of course, the spectacle of her fight didn't go unnoticed by the soldiers and townsfolk. But those who were present didn't utter a single word. They have their own problems to worry about.
As the chaos subsided, with a broken heart and face still fresh with tears. They salvage whatever body parts or scraps they could find from their loved ones and silently grieve as they pray for their souls to find peace in the afterlife.
Coraline however, wasn't so fortunate to be given that kind of luxury. As not even the bones of her mother remained. Her dismembered limbs were scattered and ravage in mere seconds the moment she was consumed.
The soldiers waste no time and immediately gathered the werewolves' corpses and built a large pyre. Asides from cleaning up, most of it was done primarily by their superstitious belief.
"You never told me." A voice behind Coraline said.
"Told you what?" Coraline said, not turning to face the owner of the voice.
"I thought you told me you stopped." The person looks at Coraline's back, a mixture of jealousy and admiration. "But seeing how well you fought tonight that doesn't seem to be the case."
"Just because I stopped practicing doesn't mean I forgot what I've learned." Coraline turns to face the person, only to immediately walk right pass her. "Also Carla, how about you mind your own damn business."
"Bitch." Carla softly said under her breathe.
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The door slowly opening, Coraline was greeted by an empty house. Her bloodstained footsteps was the only thing making a sound.
Inside her room, not bothering to undress despite the blood on her already hardening and feeling moist and sticky. She allows herself to collapse on the bed and curls into a fetal position. Her eyes facing the open window. She gives a long exhausted sigh.
The clouds covering the night sky parted ways, revealing a full moon.
Running down her cheeks, a single tear escaped her eyes. With everything that's happened, sleep came a little sooner that night.