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The screams came to an abrupt halt.

Her body went limp, blood burst out of her exposed chest that was viciously ripped open by long sharp sets of canine teeth. A humanoid hand covered in crimson fur with long fingers and five sharp claws cleaved its way inside the girl's body, her insides laid bare and sprawled to the ground.

Coraline's face went cold with fear, she couldn't breathe. This sensation felt like someone was choking her. Her heart was racing, she could do nothing but curl up into a ball, her back pressed against the wall, trembling at the corner of the room. Enable to find the strength to let out a scream, watching helplessly as her sister became someone's food.

She couldn't believe what her own eyes are showing her. No, she refused to. Even in her worst nightmares this wasn't something she has seen. Yet, right now she was seeing something her eyes won't ever be able to erase.

The sound of tearing flesh gripped her mind tightly. She began imagining her own flesh being torn from her bones and felt sick. There was this naïve thought in her mind that maybe she'll pass out before things take a turn for the worse.

As the creature gnawed on the liver with its sharp canine teeth, blood trickles down its chin. Its head suddenly turning 180 degrees like an owl. It stared at the frightened girl on the corner with a sick and demented smile, revealing sharp bony jagged teeth and its horrifying face smeared in blood.

Devouring the last piece of the liver, with some of the meat still dangling on its mouth and between the teeth. The creature grinned and then spoke in a growling voice that sends chill down Coraline's spine.

"How nice of you to wait."

I don't want to die; I don't want to die, I don't want to die. These words echoed inside Coraline's head, her knees buckled as she tries to get up. The absolute terror completely crippled her, and the more she thought about running away, the more she felt discouraged and utterly terrified.

The creature slowly saunters to her direction. It's putrid droll dripping down its mouth.

She then comes to a realization. No one was going to save her. She's all on her own, and with that on mind. Not quite sure if it's adrenaline, fear, or the will to survive. But before that monstrous creature could take another step closer. Coraline suddenly rose up to her feet, bolting out the door. All the feelings earlier that kept her frozen are all gone. There's only one thing left on her mind that keeps her moving. "I want to live!"

The creature standing on two legs puts its other limbs on the ground, now standing on all fours. Grinning with a murderous intent, it chases after the girl. Following the fresh scent of thick sweat in the air, the creature tracks down Coraline, leading him to the kitchen. Sniffing the air, the creature locks on the strong source of smell coming from the cabinet under the kitchen sink.

"It's no use hiding little girl, I know where you are." The creature Snickered "Come out now and your death will be quick and painless. Make this any more difficult than it has to and it will be slow and agonizing." There was no response. "Slow and painful it is." With a quick swipe from its huge claws the creature shreds open the cabinet. But Coraline wasn't there, only a piece of dirty torn white shirt. "Smart little-"

The creature howled in pain after getting stab with a kitchen knife between its shoulder blades.

Feeling its own blood oozing down its fur, it quickly turns around to see the culprit. The creature saw Coraline running away, leaving the knife she used still buried on his back. "That little rat!" Pulling the knife out, the creature chased down the girl.

Gritting its own teeth in anger, its eyes turning red. The monstrous creature was now hunting her down in the dark woods where her scent has lead him.

"Entering my territory? Child, there's a limit to being stupid." Sniffing the tracks Coraline left on the ground. The creature stops after arriving at a clearing that splits into multiple trails. There, the creature saw Coraline. But she wasn't hiding, she's just standing there, keeping a safe distance. "You've finally given up?" Standing up on its two hind legs under the brilliant moonlight, the creature can be clearly seen.

It was a wolf. A humanoid like wolf with fur red as blood. Its face so hideously ferocious it seems to have come out from the pits of hell. "You're struggle only makes this meal even more exciting." The wolf grinned.

"From where I'm standing, you're the only one that seems to be struggling." Coraline taunted, which only angered the beast even more.

Crouching down in all fours, the wolf dashed towards her like a rabid animal, she doesn't appear to have any plans on moving.

The wolf only a foot away from ripping off the insolent human's face felt something was amiss in this situation, seeing the girl giving her a cocky smile.


Fling up to the air after being caught in a snare trap, the wolf was hanging upside down like a helpless rabbit caught in a trap.

"Get me down from here you lowly rat and I shall make your death quick!" The wolf snarled.

Staring at the wolf for a second. Coraline then grabs an axe that was slipped at the back of her skirt, slowly moving towards the wolf, holding the axe tightly with both hands.

"No! Please don't kill me, please, please spare me!" The wolf begged for mercy but Coraline's gait never slowed down. With the axe raised, preparing to strike. "Don't, please!!! Don't-"

It's plead for mercy fell into deaf ears. It's decapitation swift and clean.

Watching the wolf's head roll on the ground, she picks it up. Staring at the monster's shocked, wide, and lifeless eyes staring back at her. She took a deep breath and suddenly burst into laughter while looking at the head of the wolf still in her grasp. The sensation of fear must've loosen its grip which made her slowly descend in a slight state of madness.

But the rumbling of her stomach made her come back to her senses. She remembered she hasn't eaten anything since this morning.

No hesitations in her actions, she skinned the wolf, hanging its skin on the trees.

Starting a fire using branches and leaves, she cooked the wolf's meat, savoring every bite as she chew on the tender and juicy meat. "This is for my sister." Cooking the wolf's liver, she took a huge bite. Tears running down her face as she finishes every piece of meat, not leaving a single part.

Tossing the leftover bones at the bonfire, it made a crackling sound as the flames began to lick it. Small sparks of cinders would fly with every crackling sound, imitating the beautiful glow of a firefly.

With her belly full and her body in dire need of rest. Under the watchful eye of the moonlight and the cold soothing breeze of the night. Coraline grabs the crimson pelt that's been drying above the bonfire and uses it as a blanket, and curls cozily next to the warm fire.

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