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THE NEXT MORNING SOPHIE got a pillow to the face. "What was that for?" Sophie complained, almost rolling out of the bed as she sleepily attempted to sit up.

Biana didn't bother with pleasantries. "For having Keefe come into my room last night and mix up the labels on every single bottle I own. Even my Bottle of Youth. I mean, seriously? Do you know how long it took for me to straighten everything out?"

Sophie had to admit that in the harsh light of the morning her prank didn't seem nearly as funny as it had last night. "Sorry." She didn't bother mentioning that it was Fitz's dare either.

"Get up. We're leaving to get our scrolls in an hour."

"Kay. Wake me up in 40 minutes," Sophie mumbled, laying back into the plush pillows. Thanks to Alvar's dramatic screeching last night, she hadn't gotten much sleep.

Biana threw another pillow at her friend, her earlier anger at Sophie's prank forgotten. "Come on. You've gotta look your best. It's a big day!"

"I'm filling out a questionnaire," Sophie muttered. "Big deal. I'll borrow one of your tunics or something."

"Am I going to have to throw water in your face?" Biana asked.

Sophie immediately jumped up. Biana wasn't kidding. If Sophie didn't get up she'd make good on her threat. "I'm up! I'm up!"

"Good. Now get over here. I've got a new hair waving elixir I want you to try."

Sophie took in Biana's extensive makeup and ornate hairdo. "How long have you been up?"

"Only a couple hours," she answered. "I really wanted to try out this new loop braid. Isn't it cool?"

Sophie still wasn't functional enough to pretend to care. "Sure. What's for breakfast?" she asked through a yawn as she sat down on the stool in front of Biana's ginormous vanity.

"Food?" Biana scoffed, throwing Sophie a look over her shoulder as she headed into her closet. "How can you think about food at a time like this? Our entire futures are on the line!"

"Well, drama queen," Sophie mumbled as she slipped off the stool and scurried out the door, "my health is on the line if I don't eat something right now."

"Ugh!" Biana screeched as Sophie opened the door and stepped out into the hall. "You are so stubborn!"

"Next time you should think about that before waking me up at some ungodly hour," she called behind her, finally starting to wake up as an aroma remarkably like bacon drifted up the stairs. "What is that amazing smell?" she asked sleepily as she ran into the kitchen, almost crashing into Keefe.

"Whoa, Foster," Keefe said, pushing her away and balancing a plate of tubers at the same time. "If you aren't careful you'll be eating it off the floor."

"Which you deserve after the coverts you dished out last night," Fitz told her with a goodnatured grin. At least the boys had taken the pranks better than Biana. Although Fitz's hair was still a little green at the tips and Keefe's eyes seemed a little pink around the pupils.

"Honestly, I'm so hungry I probably wouldn't object." She took a seat at the counter and watched the two boys finish up. "So, what are you making?"

"Laro and seel," Fitz answered from the counter.

"Marrow?" Sophie practically choked on the word. Elves were vegetarians, weren't they?

"Laro," Fitz repeated. "Boiled creander sap and umber leaves. What did you think it was?"

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