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But Sophie didn't stop running. She couldn't stop running. She knew that Fitz was chasing her, of course he was. She'd just taken off like a madwoman—well, that or a frightened animal—and he was a gentleman. He'd want to know that she was okay. That was the thing: Sophie wasn't okay. Hadn't been for a long time if she was being honest with herself. She just kept messing everything up! First she kissed him and now, when he confessed he wanted her on his Matchmakers Scroll—essentially that he thought they may have a future together—she humiliated him and ran. He was probably so confused. She'd been sending some pretty mixed signals. Then again so was he, but she kissed him first, not the other way around. It was definitely her fault.

Why did she have to be so awkward? Why couldn't she flirt as sweetly as Fitz, as brazenly as Biana, or as shamelessly as Keefe. She'd even take Dex's endearingly awkward style over her own. Now her fight or flight instinct had kicked in and she was fleeing for her life. How had she just embarrassed herself that badly? And in front of Fitz? Of all people, it had to be Fitz? Really? Why couldn't it have been Keefe or Dex or Jensi or literally anyone else in the Lost Cities? Even Valin! Heck, she would face some stranger from France over Fitz. Not that she'd want any of them to admit they wanted her on their Matchmaker's Scroll. Or kiss her. Fitz was the only guy she'd ever even thought of kissing before. And boy had he been worth waiting for! His lips were as soft as they looked! She touched her lips as ran, still feeling phantom traces of Fitz's kiss. Her first real kiss.

She was so distracted she literally crashed into Keefe as she sprinted around a corner. "Omph!" they both breathed as they collided. They would have fallen to the floor if Keefe hadn't grabbed the nearest locker with ninja reflexes.

"Sophie!" Fitz yelled as he skidded around the corner, but Keefe was already steadying her.

"You okay Foster?" he asked, his eyes endearingly concerned. He took a small step back to eye her splotchy face, but he didn't let go of her shoulders, and the warmth of his hands seeped through her cape comfortingly. She shook off the feeling, not wanting to let herself be comforted after how terrible she'd been to Fitz. She didn't want to imagine how terrible she probably looked either. The combination of sprinting like mad, humiliation, and almost crying would do that to a girl.

"I'm fine," she snapped, her cheeks flaming red and tears welling up in her eyes. She closed them for a moment, trying to anchor her unfettered emotions and calm her palpitating heart. She'd just made a complete fool of herself in front of her crush after he'd admitted he wanted her on his Matchmaker's Scroll. And of all the elves in the school, she had to run into an Empath. And not just any Empath. Their mutual best friend. Lady Luck was not on her side today. She shook his hand off, even though she knew it wouldn't help. Keefe could read her emotions without touching her, unlike most other Empaths. "I think I'm going to head home," she mumbled, though to which boy she didn't know. Sheer willpower was the only thing keeping her on her feet and stopping the tears from falling down her cheeks. "I'm not feeling too well. Could you...could you have Biana tell the Study Hall monitor for me please?"

"No way!" Keefe told her, grabbing her hand to keep her from running down the stairs. "You are not leaving me alone Princess Prettypants, Wonderboy, and Ginger Poindexter at Everglen tonight. Also—something completely unrelated that I've been meaning to ask you—has Dex said anything strange about Biana lately?"

"Keefe, I'm really not in the mood for any of this," Sophie told him, pulling away and trying to push past him down the hallway.

Keefe grabbed her hand and pulled her back. "If you're really sick you should go to the Healing Center. Don't force poor Elwin to make any more house calls than necessary."

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