... I think i love her!

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The time is now 8:30 a.m and still no sight of my mom so I decide to go back inside the hospital and wait in the lobby. On my way to sit in the gift shop I notice a black Range Rover pull up and I then have to turn around and go right back outside where I just was…I hate when that happens!

"What took you so long mom?" I ask and she looks at me with a blank face. "Are you ok mom?" I ask wondering what happened now and do we have to move. "Actually I got a phone call from your uncle and I think it would be best if you just moved with him in Arkansas", she said and I just stared at her with disbelief. "Are you serious mom? Arkansas? Death valley?", I ask. "Well at lease if you go there you can stay out of trouble and it will be good for you to go somewhere different, get out of georgia!" she said and I could have choked!

Getting out of the car I go upstairs to my room and lay for a bit. Abit actually turned into two hours of sleep and I finally awake. I awake to Andria casper the ghost ass staring at me in my face like im a science project.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?", I ask as I reach for my cell phone to check the time. "Oh my gosh I was so worried about you I came over soon as I found out you were home!" she said and she started to come in to hug me and I put my foot up and ON ACCIDENT, she sort of um….ate my foot… the whole thing just, toes all in her mouth! "Im sorry I didn't mean to round house you to the mouth but, you were getting too close for comfort!" I say and lay up against my wall.

When are you going to take me back? She asked looking sad in the face hoping I don't give her a negetive answer. "I don't feel we will ever get back together Andria you really hurt me and over the summer I learned to live without you and let you do what you had to do!", I told her with no remorse. We can maybe build up to be friends but that's about it I really can't see myself going back to that heartache I tell her. "Ok, well I guess I should be going then and let you get your rest but I am truly sorry about what happened and if I could I promise I would take it back. Can you just try deeply to find it in your heart to forgive me at lease?, she asked. "For me to forgive you any is between me and my god, so can you please leave, please?", I ask and she turns for the door but not without saying she loved me and letting tears hit my floor!

I sit there in my room thinking if I should even waste my damn time trying to speak to god about Andria because I really don't want him to show me any signs to point towards her. Yes, there was a time where I did have feelings for her but now it's like I can't possibly go back there, can I? I can't just take her back because she say's she loves me. I mean how would that look? "Fuck it!" I say to myself as I get dressed to go after her. I grab my phone and shoot her a text when…..

Falling 4 Her: Junior Year (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now