Never loose the W.A.R

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(Dedicated to my Grandpa, Keep fighting cancer will not defeat you…Love You!)

"What the hell is going on in here and who are you" her dad looks at me and asks loosening up his tie. "Sir, I'm just leaving actually", I reply feeling embarrassed as hell because I'm easing out of her as I'm saying this to her dad. "That's right you just get the hell out of here and don't let me catch you around my daughter again YOU HEAR ME?" he yells and I scramble my things and run for the door.

*Getting outside I realize I left my damn bag upstairs with my clothes and shit in it that she just gave me, oh well fuck that bag I'd rather have my life than new drawls. I burn rubber riding to the Double Tree hotel and remain for the rest of the night.*

"I can't believe what just happened man that was some crazy shit man", I laugh to myself thinking.

*I take a quick shower to wash the pink apocalypse off of me and the burn marks that her dad made from staring at me so hard. Stepping out I realize I don't have any clothes to change into so fuck it I'll just lay around naked hell nobody here! Let me see what's up with my peoples.*


Sup B!

Tell me why I just got caught by the skater chick dad, I'm talking about I was in it too J lol

Lol oh hell nawl what he do?

He acted like a dad and kicked my ass out bro

Daaaamn so where you at now?

I'm chilling at the Double Tree off Lavista

Oh yeah I know where that is! I was there several times.

The hell you know about "several" Jamal? You learning in school I see lol

Man shut up, you need to get yo shit together B and stop chasing these slim Jims man

What you mean?

I mean, make it right! Talk to Andria man you know you still love her and she damn well still loves you so, get that shit right man and walk back right with god!

Okay Pastor J

For real man that's not healthy but check it I got to go ill hit you later B

Aite J


"Damn, where the hell did that come from? Andria must have got to his ass humph" I think to myself as I place my phone on charge and sleep!

*11:00 and the room phone rings. "Wake up call time to check out!" the voice says and I hang up the phone. Looking around for my things I throw them on and leave a hundred dollars on the bed for room service and head home.*

"What a beautiful Sunday morning! (Seems like a long ass weekend huh? Lol) I should be in church right about now, think I'm going to go today I need this.

*I arrive home and quickly run to my room and get dressed in my Sunday best even put my hair in a bun (What I say? Don't judge me because you don't know my life and no I don't have a dress on, ya nasty!). I lock my door and turn on the TV to BET to receive some of this good word as I'm enjoying a bowl of apple jacks. The church program goes off and I take my church clothes off.*

(Incoming text)

Hey what are you doing today?

Nothing as of now, who is this?

It's Andria I have a new number

Oh, and just where the hell have you been? Why did you leave me in the park? I vowed if it was meant to be I'd wake up next to you and I didn't

Girl, shut the hell up, look were having a bar-b-q today at the park can you come?

I'm not sure let me see what's up

Boo, it starts at four so be there! I have to go mwah


*I slam my phone down and sit to think for a minute. Why do this chick keep popping in and out of my life like this and my dumbass keep accepting it? God please show me a sign if it's really meant to be because I can't keep getting hurt man.*


Come in…

*My mom walks in the room and she's in tears*

"Whoa mom what's going on?" I ask and she's highly hysterical she can't even get the words out. I grab her hand and sit her next to me. Wiping her face off I rub her chest to help her breathe normal and again I ask "What happened?" "Your Grandfather just passed! They said he couldn't fight any longer and the Cancer finally took over!" she explained and I stood up and stared into the open space, numb.

"Bianca? Bianca… is you going to be ok?" my mom asks and I continue to stand there, staring into the open space, numb.

(Incoming call)

*… And once again I stand there, staring into the open space, numb. "Aren't you going to answer your phone?" she asks and goes to answer my phone!*

Hello? Baby is you coming?

I'm sorry who's this? Bianca isn't feeling too good right now she's going to have to call you back", my mom says and the tears return to her eyes

This B's mom? How are you? Can you just ask her if she's coming to the park or not if so come now I have something very important for her?" Andria says to my mother. She turns to me and starts to ask if I'm going to the park and I feel my face ball up like a piece of paper in anger and rage. Before I know it I snatch the phone from my mother…


Wow what did I do? Are you ok?

I just lost my papa to cancer I'm not up for no…

Lies, here we go with the lies Bianca if you didn't want to come to the park that's all you had to say


Ok then well I had something important to talk to you about and explain why I had to leave you so early but if you…

KNOW WHAT SAVE IT BECAUSE AT THE MOMENT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK AND JUST STOP FUCKING CALLING ME SINCE I LIE SO FUCKING MUCH! CAN'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT MAN and I hang up the phone. On the other end of the line Andria hangs her head, looks down at her hands at the ring box she's holding for B, Closes it and hangs up her phone.

Chapter 15 coming soon. Anger can make you say the dumbest things I swear and just maybe B just ruined her chances with Dria or did she? Who knows? Thanks

Falling 4 Her: Junior Year (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now