Test Subject?

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The group of shinobi drug me through the cave system that they had made into a secret base. My hands were bound in a constricting vine and my legs were shackeld, leaving only enough slack for me to walk with the group. I noticed that one of the members had a crude forehead protector wrapped around his bicep with an "X" marked where a village symbol would usually be. An X? Are they trying to create their own- My thoughts were cut off when I was pushed into a large cage. 

Looking around, I saw that the cage sat off to the side in a laboratory. There were two other cages, one on each side of mine. I looked to my left and saw that the first cage was empty. When I looked to the right, I gasped and immediately moved to the opposite wall. "What the hell!?" I shouted. In the last cage was a human who was mutated with a plant. 

"Ah.. You must've.. Seen my.. Beautiful.. Creation.." A slow voice drawled on. Looking towards the voice, I saw a man who wore the same jumpsuit and mask as the other shinobi. He wore a lab coat over his gear and he showed signs of old age. "That's the.. First one.. Who survived so.. Long.."

"W-why are you doing this?" I asked, trying not to let my fear become obvious. 

"Well.. I want.. To create a new clan.. A new generation.. One of great power.." The "doctor" said as he paced in front of my cage. He suddenly stopped. "I've.. Been told.. That you should be useful.. My most powerful mutation.. Could be you.."

"I don't want to become a monster!" I shouted, scooting to the very back of my cage.

"Ah.. But from what I've heard.. About you.. You already.. Are one.." He chuckled as he watched my expression change from fear to confusion, then to realization as I understood that that was a fairly accurate assumption. 

"First.. I must test you.. Learn what you can do.. I've researched you.. And your friend.. My intel found out you were coming.. I was hoping.. To make both of you.. My subjects." The doctor slowly informed me. I sat quietly, my head resting on my knees as I huddled in the corner of the cage. "Get her out.."

Two larger ninja approached the cage. I became defensive, jumping to my feet and getting into a fighting stance. When they opened the cage, I attacked. Metal claws forming on my hands, I slashed at the first guard and managed to cut his chest. So close.. Using my momentum, I pushed the guard down and ran out of the lab. Sprinting, I tried to find an exit, but my senses were chaotic and I couldn't think straight. 

Caught in a dead end, I turned to see that more of the guards were closing in on me. Extending my metal tail, I whipped one guard in the head while I spat needles through the barred mask of another. Putting up a good fight, I didn't notice the vines snaking their way up my legs until I was suddenly slammed onto the floor. I tried to struggle free, I even tried to cut myself loose, but failed. The vines seemed to be absorbing my chakra, draining the energy from my body as I continued to struggle. Eventually, I couldn't struggle any longer and my vision faded in and out of focus. 

I felt as someone lifted me in the air and carried my body back into the lab. As I tried to focus, I saw the pile of mutated rejects, who had all been piled in a corner and were decomposing. Disgusted, I threw up, spilling the contents of my stomach onto the floor. I heard the guard who was carrying me gripe about the incident, but I could't make out what they said. 

My skin twitched when I was placed on the cold surface of the Doctor's lab table. I felt a prick as an IV was inserted into my arm. Lifting my head, I saw that I was restrained with more of the vines. There was nothing I could do to save myself or the other villagers. As I laid there, tears began to run down my face. Someone..Help..Please..

The Doctor's observation process was rather slow and tedious. Luckily for me, it hadn't become to invasive or damaging yet. There was still time for Gaara to arrive before the Doctor screwed up something that could permanently ruin my life. I remained hopeful that Gaara would come in time. I tried my best to cooperate with the Doctor to prevent him from threatening me. 

During his process, he checked my blood type and quality, my skin quality and pigment, how well my lungs and other organs worked, and other rather basic tests. It honestly felt like going in for a very detailed check up at a hospital. However, I knew that it would soon become much more painful and invasive as the Doctor tried to make me into one of his mutated creatures. My eyes darted around as I tried to make up a plan in case Gaara didn't come in time. I looked at all the tools and needles that the Doctor had lying around, but I couldn't reach any of them. The vines secured me in a position that didn't allow me to move hardly at all. 

My body was tired. Tired from struggling and tired from having my chakra and energy drained. I couldn't think straight. Honestly, I just wanted to close my eyes and fall asleep for a thousand years. I was losing hope. It seemed like Gaara would never come. That may have just been the case because five minutes felt like five hours, but I was losing my optimism. I was starting not to care if I became some gruesome plant monster. I just wanted to rest. Tired.. So tired.. 

Giving up, I allowed myself to fall asleep.

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