Akatsuki Sighting

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"Gaara, you have a meeting in twenty minutes. Then you have to talk to the elders about- Hey, are you listening?" I snapped my fingers in front of Gaara's face, trying to gain his attention. He blinked a few times, leaving his thoughts and staring up at my face.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about this meeting." He apologized, standing up and walking towards the window. "I'm always busy, it's almost like we never have time to do anything other than work."

It had been two  years since we officially started dating. We were both sixteen, Gaara was busy running Suna and I was busy being his personal assistant. There was no time to act like teenagers, we had important jobs. 

"It's alright." I sighed. "It can't be helped. At least I get to spend time with you."

Gaara laughed bitterly. "I guess." 

Before the conversation could continue, a messenger burst into the room.

"Kazekage! There's been a report of dangerous activity around the north border." The messenger announced.

"What kind of activity?" I inquired, searching for more details.

The messenger took a moment to collect themselves. "The report indicates that there's possible Akatsuki activity around the north border. Our patrols there are requesting support."

"The Akatsuki have been dormant for three years.. What could they be doing now?" Gaara muttered to himself. He then turned his attention to me. "Madi, gather a squad and report to the patrol. Assist them and neutralize the threat."

"Wait, why me!? I have dut-" I started to object, but Gaara cut me off.

"If it is the Akatsuki, then I need someone who is capable of handling them to go. You're one of the best." Gaara explained. "Trust me, I wouldn't send you if there was someone else, but you have to go."

I sighed, accepting the mission. Gaara dismissed the messenger before pulling me into a hug.

"Please be careful." He mumbled into my ear before letting me go. I nodded at him, forcing a smile on my face so he'd relax.

"Of course! Don't forget, meeting in twenty minutes." I reminded him, waving as I left the office. Shaking my head, I made my way out of the Kazekage's building and searched for my squad.

"Alright. Takumi, Kenta, Ena. We have a new mission." I announced, looking at my squad. After the Chuunin Exam, Takumi and Kenta returned to Ena, who managed to survive her injuries and several surgeries. I took them on as my personal squadron after I became Gaara's assistant. Now they accompany me on missions that I receive. Ena is a very capable ninja. She's short, but fierce. Her hair is platinum blonde and she has golden eyes, like a little sun. Ena has incredible speed and she excels at genjutsu, as well as fire based ninjutsu. 

"What's the job?" Ena asked in a soft voice. 

We started walking as I explained the mission to everyone. 

"Basically, our Northern Patrols believe there's Akatsuki activity around the border." I stated. "We're going to check everything out, and take care of the problem."

Everyone nodded, becoming serious after realizing that we were potentially going to have to deal with the Akatsuki. 

We traveled for three days before finally reaching the Northern Outpost. The area was eerily quiet, forcing us to remain on guard as we walked towards the building.

"Stay focused. We don't know what's happened here." I whispered to the group. Silently approaching the outpost, I scanned our surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 

We stopped at the door and I knocked with the secret pattern. After a moment, the door cracked open, a set of eyes peeking out at us. 

"Ah, Dragon. We've been expecting you." A young man with a deep voice said as he opened the door. "Though.. We were expecting more support.."

"Well, we don't exactly have a thousand ninja at our disposal for every possible threat." I replied. "Also, you can call me by name..."

For some reason, after Gaara became Kazekage, people felt the need to refer to me as "Dragon" as though it were some kind of title. Personally, I preferred to be addressed by my name, but a lot of people continued to use the assumed title. 

"Of course." The man tilted his head at the request and stepped away from the door, allowing us to enter. "Please come this way, our commander would like to speak with you."

We followed the man through the outpost, coming to a room that had several maps and files and various mission sheets scattered around and pinned to walls. Standing at the center table, an older man with various scars loomed over a report.

"Commander, our support has arrived." The first man announced. 

Commander turned towards us, his beady eyes looking over each of us. "Sorry, I was expecting.. More.." He gruffly commented. I quietly sighed. 

"Of course, Commander." I replied. "We were all the Kazekage could afford, however."

The Commander nodded, though he didn't seem too convinced. "Right, well. I'm sure you know that we have reports of Akatsuki activity."

"Yes, that's what we were told. Have they attacked the outpost?" I asked, remembering the exterior of the place.

The Commander shook his head, walking over to a desk and sitting behind it. He pulled out a cigar and began chewing on the end. "No, but we've seen them lurking around. I have no idea what they're scheming, but I wanted to be prepared for an attack."

"Are you sure it was the Akatsuki?" I inquired, pressing for facts.

"I'm positive!" Commander growled, darting his eyes with ferocity. "Clearly the Kazekage thinks this was a joke, otherwise he would've sent more serious shinobi!"

This asshole can't be serious... I forced myself to remain calm, exhaling sharply as I kept a straight face. 

"The Kazekage believes this is an urgent matter. The Akatsuki are a threat that needs to be dealt with. Rumors of their presence will have grave effects on the masses, should they spread to our citizens. We want the people of Suna to feel safe, so we must take every precaution possible and ensure that we are, in fact, dealing with the Akatsuki. We must also ensure that we are capable of handling such a threat, so that we can protect the people we serve." I explained, watching as the Commander rolled his eyes and stood to his feet.

"Aren't you just a purebred diplomat." He hissed. "I'm quite sure that this is the Akatsuki. I'm also very positive that they are a threat that needs to be eliminated. Now, you were handpicked by our beloved Kazekage, so what do you suggest?"

I could hear the sarcasm in the Commander's voice. It was obvious that he seemed to have something against Gaara. It was also becoming apparent that he didn't think my squad and I were capable of handling the situation. 

"Show me where the sightings occurred. I want to start by investigating these areas." I stated, grabbing a map off of the table and placing it in front of the Commander. H grumbled, but marked all of the spots where the supposed sightings were. 

Turning towards my squad, I motioned for them to follow.

"Alright guys. Let's check this out."

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