Through the Sandstorm

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As we led the group, the wind started to pick up, carrying the first layer of sand towards us. Some of the kids complained about sand in their eyes, mouths, and noses, while others feared that the wind would carry them away.

"We're going to get as close to Suna as possible!" I shouted over the roar of the wind.

"Why not all the way to Suna?" The teacher asked. I mentally face palmed before answering her.

"We won't make it to Suna before the storm reaches us! We just have to get as close as possible before we set up a shelter!" I yelled back. She gave a nod and we marched on, pushing against the wind and sand to get closer to home. 

My vision was suddenly cut off and I panicked as something wrapped itself around me. I struggled to force my arms out of it and finally managed to remove the object from my body.

"What the hell?" I questioned as I looked at the tattered cloth. Then I saw the white mark of the Tokuchi clan. "This thing has lasted out here for seven years!?"

Gaara turned his head and looked at me as we continued moving towards the village. "What is it?" He asked, curious about the ruckus I was making.

"It's my old scarf, I was wearing it the day... I came to Suna.." My heart started to speed up and I could feel my blood rushing. The sandstorm was sending my senses into overdrive as I mentally relived that day. I stopped walking and clutched the cloth in an iron grip. Now is not the time for this.. I couldn't help that I was having either a panic attack or an anxiety attack. Honestly, it could've been both. But I was suddenly afraid of the sandstorm. Well, more afraid of what was going to happen after it.

I had it set in my mind that when the sandstorm was over, my uncle would return and try to kill me again. Falling to my knees, I clutched my head, tears falling into the scarf I held on to. "I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die..." I kept murmuring, rocking slightly as I tried to calm myself. I could hear the kids whispering about what was happening, they were confused and scared.

"We're stopping here." Gaara told the group. "I'll make a sand dome to protect us." He quickly created a sand dome that covered enough space for the class to have a bit of distance from my disruption. I sat on my butt and drew my knees up to my chest, putting my chin on my knees as I wrapped my arms around my legs. 

Gaara walked over and stood by me. He glanced down at me before returning his gaze to the class. I could sense that he wasn't sure what to do, if he was going to do anything at all. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the wall of his dome and closed his eyes, a sigh escaping his lips. He seemed in the middle of thought. 

"He's not coming for you." Gaara finally said. "As far as he knows, Madi Tokuchi is dead."

I looked up at him, a tremble making its way down my spine as I sniffled and wiped at my tears. Gaara opened his eyes, looking down to stare into mine. He could clearly see my fear and vulnerability. Glancing back at the class, he rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes again. Releasing a sigh, he continued to talk. "Madi... I promise that when this storm ends, nothing bad will happen. We'll go home and be alright. If anything does happen, I'll be there to protect you. You're all I have, remember?"

As I registered his words, my mouth fell slightly open. I understood that I was probably being overdramatic and was overreacting. I honestly expected Gaara to get pissed off from my breakdown. I was surprised when he actually tried to be comforting and kind. I mean, for Gaara, this was a huge step for him in terms of kindness. 

I looked up at him, tears drying on my face as I finally stopped crying. Gaining control of myself, I said, "I'm sorry.. You're right, and thanks for the promises." I started to giggle, cheering up slightly as Gaara looked content. "You're still my bestie!" I softly cheered as I laughed while Gaara rolled his eyes.

"What am I gonna do with you?" He asked, a very tiny smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He set his gourd on the ground before sitting next to me. "It looks like most of the kids have gone to sleep."

"Yeah, hopefully they're cooperative in the morning." I replied, scanning the group. "They're probably gonna be uncomfortable and hungry little whine-bags who're gonna complain the whole way home." Rolling my eyes, I laid my head against the wall and stretched my legs out. 

"Well, that's why we have the person who's decent with kids." Gaara commented, mocking his sister. 

"We'll see how that goes." I murmured, stretching my arms and releasing a yawn. "Anyways, I guess it's time for me to go to sleep too. Are you sure you'll be okay staying up?"

"I'll be fine. Go to sleep." Gaara stated, standing up to give me space and privacy. 

Laying down, I rested my head on my supply pouch and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of whining voices. Getting up, I realized that a group of little kids were complaining to Gaara about something. He looked extremely strung out and I really didn't want him to hurt the kids, so I intervened. 

"What's going on over here?" I asked as I walked over. 

"We're hungry!" and "I wanna go home.." were the responses I received from the children.

"Well, it's your lucky day then because we're about to head home right now! And when we get there, you can all go get some food." I told the kids, who seemed a little unconvinced, but still accepted what I told them. We immediately packed up and Gaara released his sand dome. 

After about a half hour of listening to the children complain as we walked under the scorching sun, we arrived back at the gates. The teacher took control of her class and lead them back to the school to be picked up by their worried parents. The kids waved and said their goodbyes as they walked off. 

Gaara and I returned to the Kazekage's Office to announce that the class had been safely rescued and returned. 

"Why do you still have that?" Gaara asked me as we walked towards our rooms.

"Have what?" I asked, confused about what he was talking about.

"That." He replied, pointing at my supply belt. I followed his finger and found the Tokuchi scarf wrapped around my belt.

"Oh, I forgot I had that." I awkwardly laughed and pulled the scarf from my belt. Gaara snatched it from my hands.

"I told you. Madi Tokuchi is dead." He then took the scarf and walked over to a candle in the hall. Holding the scarf over the candle, he watched it burn until it was nothing more than a small pile of ashes. I didn't really like that he burned it without my permission, but it also felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest.

In my head, I imagined a Phoenix as it combusted into flames. Then, rising from the ashes, it was reborn.

Madi Tokuchi has died. The Dragon of the Sand has been born.

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