Rescue Mission: Konohamaru II

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I made it back to the temporary camp, pushing the spy to the ground as I kept guard. Gaara finally returned several minutes later.

"What's this?" He asked, looking down at the person before turning towards me. 

"A spy. Attacked me while I was setting my last wire." I explained. "I wanted to talk with you before doing anything."

Gaara nodded. "Well, first we should meet our guest." He reached down, pulling the hooded mask from the spy's face. Removing the mask revealed tan skin on a round face with soft features. Dark hair fell around the spy's head. 

"Eh? It's a girl? She doesn't even look older than, like, seven!" I exclaimed, taking in the girl's features. 

"I'm eleven." She snapped. "How old are you? Nine?"

"Thirteen, actually." I corrected. "Who do you work for?" I cut to the chase, personal matters weren't entirely important at the moment. 

"Why should I tell you?" 

"Ummmm, I'll kill you?"

"Madi." Gaara scolded, stepping between us.

"What? Isn't this how it works?" I responded, confused on why he was intervening.

Gaara ignored me, turning back to the girl. "I am Gaara, one of the Sand Siblings from Suna. This is Madi," he motioned towards me, "she's also known as The Dragon of the Sand. Needless to say, we're both powerful ninja from our village. Possibly even our country. I strongly suggest you cooperate."

"Hah, I've heard of you two. People have nicknamed you the Monsters of the Sand." The girl smirked. 

"What the hell!? I haven't heard that.." I was actually a bit offended by the nickname.

Gaara cut me off again, becoming more firm with his words. "Who are you?" He asked. 

"My name is Chikako." The girl bluntly replied. "I won't say anything else."

"Sooo, this is the part where we 'get rid' of her, right?" I asked, turning towards Gaara. He shook his head. 

"No. I'm sure she's with the people who have Konohamaru. We'll use her for a trade." He explained, glancing at our captive. Lifting his hand, he encased Chikako in sand as if he were performing desert coffin. "I'll make sure she won't escape. It's getting late, you should rest."

Agreeing, I laid down and stared up at the sky as it faded into vibrant colors of orange and purple. Peeking over at Gaara, I saw him build a fire before sitting against a tree and resting his eyes. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a light sleep. 

The next morning, I woke up to someone complaining. 

"Let me go already, I gotta piss." Chikako grumbled, struggling against the sand. Gaara ignored her, poking a stick at the dying fire instead. Noticing that I was awake, Gaara directed his attention towards me. 

"Good morning, are you ready?" He asked, handing me the uniform we were supposed to wear. I nodded with a yawn, draping the garments over my ninja gear. 

"Can you help with this?" I motioned towards the head wrap that would hide our hair and most of our face. Gaara placed the cloth in the proper position, adjusting it so it would stay in place. In return, I helped him with his outfit as well. 

Looking down at myself, I was pleased with the look of the disguise. "I think this will work."

"I do too." Gaara agreed, pulling the tan face mask over his mouth and nose. I did the same before turning my attention towards Chikako who had been making smart remarks the entire time. 

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