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His mom's never gonna know the difference. " This'll just buy us some time, you dorks." April said as she handed smalls the ball. smalls ran home and snuck into his step fathers office. he went to go put the ball back and his mom walked into the room . "Scotty?" Smalls gasp. "Uh, in here, Mom." smalls said from inside his stepfathers office. "Oh, hi, honey. What are you doing in here?" his mother ask. "Uh, just looking at Bill's--I mean, uh, Dad's baseball." Smalls stuttered. "You know he doesn't like you to touch his things." his mom scolded "Yeah. I-- I know. Sorry, Mom. Has he ever told you about that ball?" smalls ask. "Uh, no. Uh, not really. I-- I don't think so. No, no, no, he hasn't at all. I don't-- I don't know anything about it. " his mom said thinking if her husband told her about that baseball. " Babe Ruth signed that ball. He was... the greatest baseball player who ever lived." smalls said. "Oh. Really?" his mom chuckled   "He sure is. Your dad's father gave it to him. Maybe someday he'll give it to you."smalls mom said. "Oh. Neat." smalls chuckled nervously.

[Scotty Narrating] It was salt in an open wound. Even my own mom, a grown-up girl, knew who Babe Ruth was. I was dead meat. We had thought that that ball Benny had busted the guts out of... meant something amazing was gonna happen. Now I just figured it meant my life was over.

"Hey, I got it! Why don't we just go over... and knock on the door and ask Mr. Mertle if he can get it for us?" apri;l said knowing that he wouls glady get the ball for them.  The boys looked over at April like she was crazy. "Are you out of your mind? Mr. Mertle's the meanest old man that ever lived. He's the one who made The Beast eat that kid. It's not an option. Forget about it!" Ham snapped. The Beast Growling "He's daring us." benny said. "We're on his territory now. Anybody got any bright ideas?" ask Kenny

[Scotty Narrating] After we'd all thought about it real hard, we had absolutely no idea what the hell we were gonna do. So things started primitively.

The boys had made a robot thing.
"Go.Farther. Farther, Just a little bit farther." They shouted. "Aah!  All Yelling ] "Oh, no! Aah! Farther."   Creaking. " Go to the right a little bit." smalls past it to april and april past it to benny who past it to Squints.


[Scotty Narrating] Only one kid in history had ever attempted... what Benny was about to, and he got eaten. So we were worried-- real worried-- even when Benny brought out the secret weapon: shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher, P.F. Flyers.

"We can't let him do this, man." ham said.  "Benny, wait" smalls tried to say. "It's okay." benny said knowing what he was goin to say. "It was my fault." smalls said,  "You don't have to do this." April said. "Yeah. Come on, Benny, man." "You don't have to do it." they tried to reason. "Forget about it." " It's like committing suicide, Benny. Don't do it." "Yeah, don't do it, Benny." " Yeah. Don't do it. It's suicide." benny smiled at smalls. "yea i have to smalls." benny said.

April sighed. "i'll se you later." April was pretty ticked. Benny watched as she left. "you like her benny" ham said. "n-no i dont!" benny ran and jump the fence. he landed on the other side. He spotted the ball. Benny grabbed the ball and The beast came out. benny jump over the fence and ran. The beast trailing behind him.

benny ran and ran. The beast still chasing him. benny ran back to the sandlot jumping over the fence once again. The beast tried but the fence fell on him. April looked out her house and saw HER dog underneath the fenc. she ran out the door and tried moving the fence. " what are you doing April!" shouted ham. "GET THE DAMN FENCE OFF MY DOG!" April snapped at ham she had tears down her face she didnt want to lose her dog she got from her father


smalls tried to help but he wasent to strong. "DAD!" April shouted. The oys gasp when they saw the old man come out of the house. "i need help! t-the fence fell on Hercules!" April shouted the boys stood in shock. Hercules let out a whine. "i cant help you My flower....im sorry" mr.murtle said. April looked at the boys. She pushed the fence one more time and it lifted it a little bit. Hercules was able to get out. Hercules walked over to smalls and licked his face. Hercules went over to april. she hugged hi. "thank you Smalls. .....benny" April said. She saw the Hercules was bleeding on his back left leg. "all you had to do was ask...." April said. Benny smalls and april wne tot the front of her house. They knocked on the door.

a blind old man answered "yes?" "um...we found your dog and put ball went over the fence." smalls said, "is April with you?" he ask. "yea dad im here" April said. "come in" he said. "why didnt you ask me to get you the ball?" Mr.Murtle ask. smalls and benny looked at me. "they ball that they hot over was signed by babe ruth, dad" april said. she had no signs of tears or crying.

"babe ruth....You mean George, Aprils dad?" Mr.Murtle said. "your a dead man walkin"

"i told you all you had to do was ask" April said. Mr.Murtle got up and went to a shelf. He grabbed a ball. "lets make a deal. you come over once a week and talk baseball with me and y=this ball is yours"  He said. Benny gasp"it signed by everyone" Benny said. "yea my real dad gave it to me so i gave it to Mr.Murtle" april said. "wait! so Babe Ruth is your real father!?" Benny ask shocked. April gave a nervous chuckle "yea......but my Ruth gave me over to Mr.Murtle.." april said.  "thats why you knew his stance." Benny said. "now go home and tell our father what happened and give him that all im sure heh wont mind....." Mr.Murtle said.

year later.

In the crowd you could see a girl with a big belly and 2 kids around her cheering on For Benny.   that was April. She and Benny got together after the sandlot Aprils oldest is 7 her name is Juila her second oldest is 5 his name name is Gorge and finally the baby in her stomach is the youngest, her/his will be yuki (female) or Gray (male).

  "Now pinch running for the Los Angeles Dodgers,Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez!It is the clutch situation of the season. They say The Jet's lost a step or two, but I wouldn't be surprised to see some fireworks here. The Jet's got a suicide lead and-- And there he goes! He's stealing home! I don't believe it! He's stealing home! - [ Cheering) He's stealing home, and they don't see him! The pitch! He's hit the dirt! He's safe! Safe Safe! Safe! Safe! I don't believe it! The Jet stole home! The Jet stole home"


 i want to finish this book and lucys memories so im kinda rushing them bc i have an idiea for a book and i dont want to loose it. i wont spoil it for you but if you like minecraft you will love the book.

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