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~ 5 years later~

High school went by in a blur. Zenix and I became the Co-leaders of the Shadow knights for 2 years. It was fun, everyone in school respected us and didn't hate us. We stop doing evil stuff and it was fun being nice. I let Zane join the Knights because he's my best friends boyfriend and Zane is a cool guy. Gene and Sasha kept dating even if he was not in school. Everyone graduated and left for college. Aphmau and Aaron have finally started dating. Dante chose Nicole and are very happy. Garroth and Katelyn have finally started dating, They were taking it slow, very slow. Today was my last day of college and I'm moving to a street called Lover's Lane. (Is that what they actually call it).

"Babe you ready?" My boyfriend Alex said.

"Yea I can't wait to see my friends again" I cheer running to the car. Your probably asking 'What happened to Zenix?' Well we broke up. We separated after he left Phoenix Drop High. My heart was broken but he's still my best friend after all. It took me 2 years to get over him and then I started dating. Now I'm dating Alex and we are happy. Part of me still wants to be with Zenix. We hoped into the car and drive to my new home.

~Time skip~

We arrived at my new house, It was F/C and It's an average house.

"Babe I'll see you later Okay? I need to go move into my place" Alex said kissing my cheek and leaving. I walk into my new house and began unpacking. Knock Knock. Someone at the door.

"Hey I'm Aphmau welcome to the neighborhood" Aphmau greeted me and I hug her.

"Whoa your a huger" She exclaimed.

"Actually Aphmau I'm not remember" I look at her and her smile grew bigger.

"Y/N is that really you?" Yea I have changed. My hair is a different color and I don't wear the same clothes any more.

"The one and only" I say and she tackles me in a hug.

"So tell me How have you been? Have you seen anyone else? How are you after your break up with Zenix?" She kept asking questions and I answered truthfully. I told her about Alex and my life.

~Time skip~

Aphmau and I spoke for hours. She told me about everyone and I told her about me.

"So have you seen Zenix yet? Or your brothers?" She ask and my face froze. Zenix is here?

"No I arrived and then you showed up" I tell her regaining my cool.

"Great now let's go over to my house for a welcome party. I'll text everyone. They will be so surprise" She says jumping up and running to her house. I follow close behind.

"Aaron guess what?" Aphamu yells to him. So they live together now. How cute.

"What's up?" He said not looking up from the TV. He turned around and saw me.

"Hi Aaron" I wave and he gets up.

"Hey Y/N let me guess we are having a party" He says noticing Aph's face.

"Yes let's get ready" She yells running around the house.

"I'm sorry" I apologize for Aphmau.

"Don't be she's always like this. Now lets help her" We help Aphmau get ready.

~Time skip~ (sorry)

Everything was ready and the guess started arriving. Aphmau made me hide from everyone till they were all here.

"Okay everyone thank you for coming. Now we have a new neighbor and this is a welcoming party" Aphmau yells and I get ready, my cue is soon.

"You can come out now" I walk out of the closet that she tossed me in. I look at everyone and they all ran up to me. I saw Zenix and I froze. He's here and he looks great. I wonder if he still likes me. No Y/N you have Alex. You and Zenix are friends and once lovers. But not anymore.

~Zenix P.O.V~

Aphmau invited everyone for a party and we were all confused. I went over with Gene and Sasha. It's weird they are together and I have no one. I'm alone in this group, the third wheel.

"Okay everyone thank you for coming. Now we have a new neighbor" Aphmau said. We have a new neighbor. Who could it be? Aphmau told the person to come out and I froze. That beautiful smile. Those sparkling E/C eyes. Her long H/C hair. The new neighbor is Y/N. Why is she here? I haven't seen her in years. She looks like shes been good. I kept staring at her. I miss her but she looks happy. Zenix your her friend, those feelings of before are gone. Well not for me. I love her and miss her. Why was I stupid? Why did I let her go? Now I missed my chances and we will never be together.

~End~ ( Yes there will be a second book, this ending proves it).

AN: So this is the ending. It's a very long chapter but it's worth it. After 5 years and allot of Drama in high school, Y/N moves back with her friends and see Zenix. Zenix has been alone and single since the day he made the biggest mistake of his life. He wants Y/N back but knows he needs to move on. Book two will be a good book. And while you wait read my other books. And I will also be writing: Garlyn/ Zanvis/ Danicole/ Dante-Chan and Genesha books.

Word count: 904 words.


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