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Complement Database #25

Subject: TLOM-4967, MOLT 0, age 0-19. Complement of MOLTee Wyn Rivera <see PERSONAL DATABASES>

<Medical Record: NONE STORED>

<Behavioral Record: NONE STORED>

Purpose Of Written Study: Maintenance Of Pre-MOLT TLOM Morale

Time to MOLT 1: 1.5 wks

Intellectual Property of the Governance of MOLT, Memelen Division

March 28, 2254

I knew I was going to meet my Complement today, and so did you. It's beginning to become clearer to me how much you know about everyone- about everything. Kudos to you for that, because I wasn't aware that the Governance breached its citizens' privacy frequently enough to pair each MOLTee with the perfect TLOM, much less predict their exact time and place of meeting. 

Anyway, getting to the part you're here to read (although I haven't the slightest idea why you're reading my log when half the time, I just end up saying exactly what you want me to say). You, the Governance, deigned to divulge this information to me during a late night meeting with one of your representatives last night. It was some new guy, probably a MOLT 2 or 3, not Dr. Flynn, as I had been expecting. At first, regardless of its deliverer, this was amazing news: I was actually looking forward to the opportunity to get to know my Complement. Hopefully, I would be able to warn her about the truth of the MOLT procedure and prevent her from making the same mistakes I did and ending up a miserable Memelenian TLOM. Well, in truth, I wasn't sure what mistakes exactly had landed me in Memelen, but I was confident that we would be able to figure it out together. Two brains are better than one, right?

That was before they told me the rest of the story. Apparently, my Complement has an Abnormal on her record from one of her Pre-MOLT analyses, just like I did last year. Only, unlike me, she's actually beginning to solve her problem. Lucky her.

Basically, she's normal again, now, and it's my job to not mess that up. I'm supposed to be rude to her, get her to distrust me so that she disregards anything I say. It really does hurt to do that- I felt awful when she walked into the room we'll be sharing and I had to force myself to ignore her, not to show the slightest sign of kindness. I know this is a bad idea: Wyn seems so nice, and the last thing I need right now is an enemy. As usual, I have no idea why in the world the Governance is doing this. Once again, an explanation would be really helpful, O Almighty Department of Sociology.

Thanks a lot, Governance.

-Terra (still not TLOM)

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