Chapter Four

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  He just kinda smiled to himself, then ran back into the woods. I had no other choice but to follow,
in fear of another wolf attacking me.

  I ran after him, breaking more sticks and trampling bushes. He ran into a thick patch of bushes. I followed him into it.

  There was a small cave hidden behind the bushes. It was neat, with barely any leaves or anything in it. Palette slowed his pace to a walk. He turned toward me and sat at the entrance.

  I walked into the cave, and immediately got tackled by Palette from behind. He was growling, his body pinning me to the cold, hard, stone floor.

  "Palette, what are you doing?" I asked. He continued to growl.

  'This is how I die, isn't it?' I asked myself. 'I should have just ran while I had the chance. I'm going to die by some wolf that just so happens to look like my friend. God, I'm such an idiot.'

  I suddenly felt Palette shift his weight on me and stopped growling, but he was still on top of me. I shuddered as he leaned down and put his head near my neck, his breath ghosting over it.

  I wanted to tell him to get off of me, but I knew it was no use. I just let him do whatever, even though it was uncomfortable.

  He lifted his head and got off me. I turned around to look at him. He pounced on me again, making me hit my head on the stone. It hurt but I had been through a lot more when I was at home.

  He started growling again, but it wasn't telling me to back off or trying to scare me. It was him showing his dominance over me. He obviously showing he was the alpha. I started to shake, my face heating up, turning it a light lavender color.

  He smiled down at me and got off, then stopped growling.

  I sat up using my elbows to prop me up. Palette sat next to me, and smiled. It was soft, but there was something else about it but I couldn't tell what it was.

Underfell Goth x Wolf! PaletteWhere stories live. Discover now