A Fox Monster!

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-----(Note: Lets just get to the death)-----

"Get out of the way quick!" A bulky man wearing a orange work suit yelled in panic at a teenage boy.

A beam from the roof came falling down about to hit Kozu. As Kozu looked up wondering who the guy was yelling at his eyes widened in fear. It was to late even when he tried to run. The big metal beam hit Kozu on his lower back cutting him in half. Kozu didn't feel any pain for a few seconds until he looked down seeing his other half with his guts hanging out. The pain started kicking in and blood poured out everywhere as Kozu yelled in agony of the pain and fear. Kozu looked at the people rushing towards him to see what the commotion was about.

"Oh my god!" several people screamed in fear and disgust of the sight.

Kozu tried to stop from yelling but the pain was unbearable. Finally he clenched his teeth as blood poured out of his mouth. His face grew paler and paler looking snow white.

"Call an ambulance you damn idiots!" Kozu yelled at the petrified workers.

Some workers snapped out of it pulling out there phones calling the police and ambulance. Some tried to stop the blood but it was already to late. Kozu noticed that he didn't have much time left and kept yelling from the pain. His vision was fading making Kozu grind his teeth together. This was his last moment and needed to say one last thing.

He began to smirk at the last moment and spoke his last words " My last words to you fucking idiots.... tell my boss... and that person... who dropped a... fucking beam.... I said.... Fuck you."

He eventually passed out never to wake up in the world he knew.

After time passed Kozu was floating in a endless darkness. Shockingly it actually felt quite relaxing to Kozu. He was trying to wander around yet he couldn't move. His body had a weird but comfortable pressure on it as if he was in warm water.

<You have been granted three choices: Stay here. Be reincarnated. Have a second chance at your life.>

Kozu made a confused and suprised face hearing a weird voice play in his head all of a sudden. He understood what this meant but none of the less it was shocking. This was like how a novel started or something.

He began thinking about it and picked reincarnation. Simply to put it straight if he went back he would have to relive through the same painful and boring times so he picked the best option. He also didn't want to stay here simply because he wanted something like a adventure in his boring life.

<Your choice has been picked. Reincarnation starting. Random picking.>

<Random variant of race. Random picking.>

<Random Skill. Random picking>

<Elemental Fox Monster picked. Glutton for Power picked.>

'Wait what!? A fox monster! Oh come on no please no! Am I going to be a Kyuubi Kozu thought in panic.

He kept trying to calm himself down analyzing what he just got into.

He tried to process whats about to happen to him. His mind was in over drive and he needed to calm down. Eventually after a little bit he thought it might not be so bad.

'I'm gonna have super powers. Maybe I can find a way to be human again' Kozu thought trying to calm himself down.

His body began to feel weird to him as he saw a bright light making him close his eyes.

After a while the light went away causing Kozu to slowy open his eyes feeling as if a few hours had passed by. His eyes were wide for a moment not believing what he was seeing. He was in some gigantic cave with weird colorful plants and trees.

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