A new place? 2 (continued)

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As they slowed down their paces from exhaustion there was only one option left for Kozu. He had to fight for his... freedom? Kozu was determined and didn't want to be some persons pet. He used to be human for heavens sake! He would also probably be in some kind of contract similar to a  slave contract. No way in hell was he following orders from people without being able to have a say so.


"Kuu?..." Kozu said sighing. (Why?)

"W-was that a minotaur roar Akane?" Mitzu asked in a scared tone of voice.

"I-i think so" Akane said shaking with the sword in her hand.

Kozu then had a sudden realization.

"KUUKUUKUUKUU KAKAKAKA" Kozu made laughing sounds. (MAD LAUGHTER)

The two didn't pay any attention to him. They didn't even hear him because they were in deep thought.

'This is perfect now I won't have to deal with these guys anymore. They could buy me some time to escape.' Kozu thought.

< You have a new quest: Save the adventurers from the minotaur.

Reward: Skill: Against Odds. High Experience.

Bonus: Killing the minotaur will give you triple high experience>

'What... really a quest..thats new.. Why for this though!?' Kozu thought getting pissed off at the voice.

Akane and Mitzu didn't want to lose this fox but at the same time they didn't want to die. They were starting to run going past Kozu until a big shadow came falling down from the sky in front of them. It was the minotaur and its skin seemed to still be glowing golden unlike the yellow from last time him and Kozu met.

This day kept getting better and better for Kozu~. Kozu wanted to just run but at the same time the reward seemed good plus he didn't really want to see these guys die. Even if they chased him for several miles trying to catch him and make him their pet.

Kozu looked at the frozen stiff two adventurers then at the minotaur.


Kozu dashed forward towards the minotaur appearing behind the monster. As he was about to use claw slash at the back of the minotaurs neck [Danger Sense] went off. The minotaur swung his axe towards Kozu very quickly causing Kozus eyes to widen in shock. He couldn't dodge this attack and the two adventurers wouldn't be able to save him. Kozu tried to move his body in mid air but the axe came to quickly. The minotaurs power sky rocketed from last time they fought.


Kozu felt something was missing on his right side. He looked with his eyes widening in horror. His front right arm was gone lying on the ground a few feet in front of him.

"KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Kozu yelled in agony at the pain coming from his right side. He couldn't process why the minotaur was so much stronger.

His eyes were blood shot with him moving in odd angles from the pain. This pain was unlike the one when he died. This pain was one he could feel fully. The two adventurers looked at him with wide eyes that were filled with terror. They were still shaking but gripped their weapons ready to defend themselves and thought of ways to escape.

The minotaur looked towards Kozu even though he was blind and walked forward. Kozu was losing to much blood and he saw his vision turning cloudy.

All of a sudden a figure popped in his mind. It was a girl with black long hair and two chestnut colored innocent eyes staring at him.

'....Konami... Konami... How are you here?' Kozu thought with his eyes staring in shock.

The girl smiled back until her face was turning pale and her smile turned into one of discomfort. She now had bags under her now lifeless eyes.

'Help me... Koz...................' The girl spoke before turning to ash.

'No. Not again.' Kozu was going crazy.

Kozus eyes were full of killing intent causing invisible pressure to be put down on things in his surroundings. How could he have such killing intent from just seeing a memory?

《¿E?R¿R?O¿R? Changing s p e c i e s   t o  A B Y S S    F O X     M O N S T E R

Requirement: Be in a near death state with a will to kill.  Completed》

Kozus body began to glow white with invisble force pushing the minotaur back. The adventurers decided to run away at this time even though they were shocked they knew this was some form of evolution.

< Random picking for A B Y S S
  S p e c i e s  of a Fox Monster .....¿¿¿¿????¿¿¿ >

<A B Y S S  S P I R I T   F O X  Picked.

Kozus body began growing in size to about half of the minotaurs height. The missing arm regrew back matching to his size. His fur began changing to a dark blue with yellow streaks besides the white parts. His glowing eyes turned to a light silver color.  His tails grew bigger then seperated into five tails.

< Evolution Completed.  New skills obtained.  Title: Spirit of Foxes obtained.  All skills have leveled up. High experienced gained from quest. Bonus not yet completed.>

Name: none

Race: Five Tailed Abyss Spirit Fox

Title: Spirit of Foxes

lvl: 2

Skill: [Claw Slash] [Bite] [Tail Smack] [Against Odds: Time limit 1 minute]

Active Skill: [Night Vision Lvl 10] [Danger Sense Lvl 9 ] [Analyze Lvl 8] [Enhance Speed Runner Lvl 5]  [Hardened Skin Lvl 5] [Enhanced StrengthLvl 3] [Enhanced Health Lvl 3] [Human Speach] [Intimidation Lvl 3]

Unique Active Skill: [Glutton for Power]

Magic Skill: [Abyss Hands: Cost 550 ] [Abyss Dome: Cost 300] [Abyss Blast: Cost 2350] [Abyss Fire Magic: Cost 100]  [Abyss Water Ice Magic: Cost 100]  [Human Form: Cost 0]

Resistances: [Fire Resistance Lvl 8] [Ice Resistance Lvl 7]
[Water Resistance Lvl 7] [Physical Resistance Lvl 5 ]

Hp: 1245(Health)

Mana: 3750 (Magic Power)

Str: 1235 (Strength)

Spd: 1330(Speed)

Sta: 1335(Stamina)

Kozu didn't focus on how he was changing but instead focused on the minotaur. For some reason the memory that he saw is making him go insane.

"You killed her..." Kozu said in a deep demonic voice with his now glowing lifeless silver eyes staring at the minotaur. He didn't even realize he could talk.

The minotaur could finally move and charged at Kozu.

Roar! Cluff! cluff! cluff!


A/N Hey guys I know this Chap is confusing and its probably really cringy so sorry about that. The thing what I wanted in this story was for the reader to not have a lot of info and make him seem mysterious but that failed XD. I can't really do that with the main main character.
If I made any mistakes in spelling/writing or missed something from my past chaps tell me. This may not still continue okay so don't get your hopes up. I know I probably made atleast one mistake or more with these thumbs typing. I should check over it more.

This is how I wanted my story to be. Mysterious, Funny but Serious when need be. I wanted my main character to have a past that you will find out later on as the story progessed. Maybe flashbacks...I don't know XD.

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