Crazy Elf Girl!

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Kozu found some leaves and a flexible twig to tie around his down under.

"I look like some wild man wild boy?" Kozu spoke in a light voice.

He kept walking forward unaware of where he was going. He kept zig zagging past trees in the forest.

"La da la da la~

walking in a a forest with
probably scary monsters~

Bahbah Bah~

I'm singing because
i'm bored and
this voice of mine
sounds pretty good at singing~

Lala Bah bah bah~" Kozu kept randomly singing in his light voice that could cause people to have nose bleeds from his cuteness.

" Sun is shining in the sky~

Its a lovely day~

Bah bah bah~" Kozu kept singing unaware he was being watched.


Three figures were hiding up in tall trees that surrounded Kozu. Three elves to be precise. Two were guys and one was a girl wearing green leather armor with bows on their backs. If you looked closely you could see red crimson liquid coming down their noses.

Kozu unaware was happily skipping and dancing while singing random words.

"Psst how did this ...this thing find our hide out?" One of the male elves tried to ask seriously holding a finger to his nose.

"Lets just see why this little kid is out here. What do you think Rika?... Rika?" As the other male elf looked behind him the female elf was gone.

Kozu felt something approach at fast speeds towards him. He closed his mouth and faced towards where he felt the presence. Right as he turned his head, his bright silvers eyes looked into pretty caremal ones. A beautiful tall girl with tan skin and white hair looked at Kozu with sparkly eyes.

"Oh my! Your just to adorable!" Rika rushed towards him at high speed with her eyes wide open.

"No not again!" Kozu had flashbacks of Akane yet this girl was way faster.

Kozu jumped back then turned around and ran as fast as he could.

"Wait! I mean no harm!" Rika yelled at Kozu.

Kozu turned around and saw Rika almost catching up to him.

'I really am not OP?! Or is she really strong?!' Kozu thought in panic.

"Please wait! FLASH STEP!" Rika yelled out a skill and her body vanished.

Kozu felt something grab and hug his body tightly.

"Eh?! So soft!" Rika yelled in suprise as she hugged Kozu to death.

"Who a-are you?" Kozu pretended to be scared and made his eyes water.

'Acting skills please work!' Kozu thought in hope.

"Oh no don't cry! Don't cry! I really mean no harm! I'm Rika so please don't cry!" Rika fell completely for Kozu's acting.

'Okay so let go! Its hard acting!...' Kozu thought and pondered for a little bit.

Rika saw Kozu look in deep thought but she only saw a confused and scared adorable kid.

"U-um could you let me go please?" Kozu asked with tears forming up in his eyes again.

"Oh i'm sorry!" As soon as Rika let go Kozu booked it one last time using [Against Odds] which raised all his stats more for one minute.

"Um! Out of human form!" Kozu yelled trying to transform.

< Unable to transform back. Transformation available after 24 hours.>

"Why!?" Kozu yelled out in panic as he heard distant yelling.

'She just has to be OP!' Kozu thought as he felt his minute was almost up.

"You tricked me!" Kozu heard Rika's voice getting closer.

Kozu looked behind him and saw Rika vanishing from place to place getting closer.

< Against Odds time limit has expired >

Kozu's eyes widen as he saw Rika's dark smiling face getting closer.

'How is this lucky! This is fucking scary! Someone help me!' Kozu thought as his breath became ragged.

"Wait.. Abyss Ice Magic!" Kozu yelled out trying to imagine an ice wall form.

< Unable to use Abyss Magic in human form until another evolution.>

'Has my luck went down!?' Kozu thought as he kept running.

"Wait till I catch you!" Rika yelled as she was only a few meters away now.

Kozu looked one last time before he tripped and flew in the air.


Kozu face planted in a tree. His body slid down as Rika was behind him.

"Ow ow ow! That hurts!" Kozu yelled rubbing his nose with teary eyes.

< You have hit an Elder Tree. Pain levels have risen for 3 minutes.>

"Really! Ow ow!" Kozu yelled holding his nose.

All of sudden he felt a heavy pressure on him. He looked up seeing a Rika with a darkened face.

"You know tricking a princess will cause you to get punished. It appears the forest spirits have helped me get your punishment." Rika spoke but her voice was shaky from seeing Kozu hurt. A indiscribable feeling of wanting to hug him and heal his wounds entered her heart.

Kozu saw her eyes and he only felt fear.

'Girls are scary when their after something they want! Why do I have to be cute! I'd rather be a hot guy and not some cute kid. Those eyes... are way to scary!' Kozu thought as he was frozen stiff staring at Rika. Sweat poured profusely from his face as Rika inched closer.

Kozu closed his eyes as Rikas hand was hovering over his head.

Pat. Pat.

"Eh?" Kozu felt a soft hand pat his hand.

"Don't run next time. I just want to talk." Rika smiled at Kozu.

"I'm not some kid you know so stop pe..." Kozu stopped as he felt heavy pressure on him. He looked at rika seeing her smile still.

"Okay okay i'm a kid! You can pet me still!" Kozu said loudly in panic.

"That's nice to hear. Now tell me what you're doing out here and why your only wearing leaves for clothes."  Rika spoke normaly while petting Kozu's head.

A/N  I'm back.....Shh no tellin.

How bad are you cringing?

Sorry its short an weird.
Tell me if I made any mistakes.

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