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A/N: Yay! Another Jireh Lim song! My god this song describes them at the moment. Warning, get your tissues ready. This one is a tearjerker. Promise!
。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚+)゚。
Or not. 😅

Credit: edited by withaslightsmile


Huang Jing Yu just finished getting dressed right after a long arduous filming. Glancing at the clock, it was quarter to nine indicating he was running late. He started picking up his pace, almost bumping into a chair that appeared out of nowhere.

"Whoa," echoed Jing Yu. His long time assistant and friend, Zheng Ge, had seen what transpired.

"Be careful, Jing Yu. You're health is much more important than that concert you know."

Rolling his eyes, the annoyed man retaliated back. "Say that again. I dare you."

"As if you would fire me. Other wise, I would have been replaced by another person a long time ago."

"Whatever," he scoffed. "Look, tell the director and the staffs I gotta go home early. I got some important business to do." Saying his goodbye, Johnny dashed towards his car and sped off to his apartment.

Zheng Ge shook his head at the man leaving the building. The same height as him, Zheng Ge lost sight on the person he has been taking care of since the beginning.

"Hope you like his surprise for you."

Upon parking his car at his condominium's basement, he started running towards the elevator. Jing Yu pressed the number for his floor and waited for what seemed like an agony with his feet tapping against the hard steel floor. While waiting, he took out his phone. Between paying close attention to the screen and the numbers adding up, fortunately for him the performance was still a dance number. He didn't mind that his dance partner was a woman.

He soon reached his apartment at the twenty fourth floor and walked to his door with keys ready in his palm. Once inside his humble abode, he tossed his jersey jacket onto a plush wooden chair. The phone in his hand was then switched with a laptop as he rushed to go to the link that was given to him.

Luckily for Johnny, the song hadn't finished and had two minutes left before that one song he was waiting for starts. With the remaining time he had left, Johnny went to relieve himself in the bathroom. After he finished his business, he returned to the living room. Situated in a relaxed and composed position, he counted down the seconds it would start.

Watching the screen, the concert area dimmed its lights, with just the background a bluish and red glowing in the back. The anticipation of the song was agonizing for Johnny. And for sure to the singer who was about to sing.

Melodies drifted onto the stage and into everyone's ears, including the people live streaming the concert. The guitars strummed as the lights gradually became brighter, the red and blue strobes turning yellow. A man, who's back was facing the thousands of crowds, began to sing in a mellow voice. This triggered everyone in the audience to scream at the top of their lungs.

A few couple of verses were sung by him, but then he suddenly made a one-eighty turn. Once he finished the turn, the people within the venue got louder.

Chuckling at the dramatic entrance, Johnny uttered a name.

"Timmy Xu... Xu Wei Zhou."

A beaming smile featured on the person that was named by Johnny, in which he mirrored the man's expression. Timmy's face shone bright with his dimples peeking out for everyone to see. You can tell how sincere the large grin of this person was, but there was a little sadness hidden in his eyes that only Johnny understood.

While Johnny listened to the song, he could not help but connect with the singer's heartfelt message. Of how the song described the two's relationship with each other ever since. Their distance with each other was hard to maintain, along with the constant interactions with fans and being under the watchful eyes of the media and the government.

But to say the least, the understanding of one's dreams and trust for each other had gotten them through the hard times along with the help of their families, close friends, close knit staffs, and anyone who they deemed trustworthy. This was the path they've chosen.

"I'm surrounded, by the ones I'm closer, but all I can see is you starin', smiling at me. I would never break this promise, until the day you say don't bother. Cause you found another."

As he listened, Johnny's eyes glistened, mimicking the singer. The heartfelt singer was getting to him. The lyrics didn't make it better, but he knew the Timmy was sending him another sweet song to him, albeit indirectly.

"Zhou Zhou, hang in there, too."

"Sooner I'll be by your side, and everything will be worth the wait."

His cheeks were now wet by the tears that fell.

"Maybe I thought once, that I could find another you. But, as you see I was wrong as there's no one like you."

Quiet cries turned to full sobbing. The sweet melodies of the song drifted to his ears. It coursed from his veins to his heart, tugging it painfully. Johnny knew both can't be by each other's side, to comfort and console if one was sad or angry. Or share their success and happiness.

The song was almost at its end. Timmy suddenly stopped singing, despite one more verse to go. As he looked straight into the camera, he made a small speech in his mother tongue.

"I'm surrounded, by the ones I'm closer, but all I can see is you starin', smiling at me. I would never break this promise, until the day you say don't bother. Cause you found another. Sooner I'll be by your side, and everything will be worth the wait. Maybe I thought once, that I could find another you. But, as you see I was wrong as there's no one like you."

Johnny's lover disappeared from the screen as it turned black. The music stopped and it left an empty feeling in his soul, yearning for that one person. As he took in a deep breath, he shut his eyes and let the moment sink in.

Exactly after two minutes, he closed his laptop and took out another phone in his other pocket. Signing onto Weibo, he went on to making a post under the guise of another persona. He waited for the incoming pictures he would receive from Timmy's teams.

Once Johnny received them, he started typing a post. Choosing one picture took some time, but he finally chose a flattering picture of Timmy. Waiting for the right time, he updated the infamous account within their fandom.

Closing his secret personal phone, he placed it next to the laptop. He stood up to his feet and walked towards his bedroom. Despite feeling bone tired, he took off his clothes and proceeded to the bathroom. There he cleaned his body, getting ready for the night.

When he was done, he checked his business phone and got a text from his personal manager and assistant. Zheng Ge told him to go to bed after watching the concert and to wake up early for a work. Johnny did as he was told, but not before making another text with his personal phone.

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